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Other Email Services

This page covers display email addresses,  aliases, sending to a group of people and shared mail.

Display Email Address

Set your web profile display address.   ( how to access the Maths network remotely)

Contact Email Address

This is an address we can contact you on. It is compulsory for anyone who is not staff or research student.    You can add it via the same link as the above.  If you cannot access that link contact your pavilion or group secretary if you are in DAMTP or the Head of Department's PA if you are in DPMMS.  They can update it for you.

Sending to multiple people

See here for the options available to you.

The email address for university email lists  is usually If you are organising an event and need the published email address to end in then you request a role alias for the mailing list.

An advantage of choosing a mailing list option is retain the right to edit the members of it. 

Role Alias

A role alias is an email address used for a specific work-related purpose rather than for your personal email address.  Email sent to a role email alias is forwarded on to another email address, maybe to an externally hosted list.   These addresses end in,, or The criteria for is stricter. The event must be cross department or teaching related.

To apply for a role alias contact:
DPMMS:  Julia Blackwell or Jayne Clough.
DAMTP:  Alison Warrington or Kat Pimstein

Maths:  Clearance from that department's BOM.


  • The alias you want (which may *not* look like a crsid, username, or personal alias)
  • How long you need it for
  • The destination address
  • The reason for the request.


Role Mailbox

Sometimes it is not appropriate for email to go to a personal email mailbox or there is a need for a mailbox to be shared.  For this we use a  shared role mailbox.  (Also known as role mailbox).
To arrange for a role mailbox contact your Head of Department's PA. 

You can only receive a role mailbox if you already have permission for a role alias.

Provide the following information:
* Role Alias  (see above) to be connected to the box.
* Who needs to read the email and their crsids.  Each of the people must be members of the University.

Role Alias Sending

Usually the emails you send come from your University Email address.   If there is a good reason why you need the sending address to be from a role alias you must request to be allowed to do this.   You make your request to the head of department's PA.   When sending from an email address that is not your own you must identify who you are in the email.