IT Emergencies is our general computing help request line. General help@maths hours are 0930 - 1300 and 1400-1700. Some IT staff may look at the helpdesk tickets outside these hours on a "best efforts" basis.
If there is an IT emergency, you can use our IT emergency help line instead of our more general help@maths: as well as raising a trouble ticket, copies are sent to maths IT staff via email alerting them to the problem.
Emergencies are typically characterised by:
- A problem affecting a large section of the CMS, such as a network outage or the failure of a widely-used server
- A security-related matter where there is imminent danger of a serious security breach
The following are examples of something that is NOT an emergency:
- forgetting your password
- your desktop PC not working
- exceeding your disk quota the night before an important deadline
In such situations please include the word 'urgent' in the subject header (if it is urgent for you). is our emergency contact.