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OnTheMove: NextCloud synchronization

Similar to the UIS-organised Dropbox Business tool, OnTheMove provides a cloud-based synchronization tool. Key differences are that OnTheMove.maths uses hardware provided by the Faculty of Mathematics and is not a charged-for service.

Use it to synchronize the working set of files between work and home while you're putting a paper together, to avoid having to remember to email yourself today's "To-Do" list or to make sure that you're not reading an out-dated copy of a document.

To set up the file synchronization, download or install the "NextCloud" client for your laptop, home computer or mobile. (Windows, Linux, Mac; iOS, Android, Windows Mobile are all supported.) It will ask for a "server address", which you should set to and your username (CRSid) and (Maths) password. It may also ask for a folder on your machine to synchronize to OnTheMove.

If you would like your files from OnTheMove synchronized to your home directory, you will need to run the Nextcloud client on your Maths desktop. The client is under the "Accessories" menu as "Nextcloud desktop sync client" or can be started from the command line with "nextcloud". Set it up as you did your home machine (server address, username and password); the folder name is your choice.

Tips and Tricks

As we find useful things related to Nextcloud, we'll add them here.