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All collaborations which need IT resources must be applied for by a senior academic member of the department, or where the collaboration is not academic, the department secretary. They will also be

  • needing access to the faculty computer system for this work and

  • usually working away from CMS. Those who are here tend to be classified as visitors. Heads of Department can arrange for discretionary access to the CMS.

For a collaboration we will supply you with a working Maths computer account and a 'crsid' to enable authentication to university resources. You will not normally receive an @email account.


We expect collaborators...

  • To remove from their maths home directories and maths storage space files not needed for their collaboration. We need space for new incoming people.

  • To need a faculty computer account for their work

  • To regularly need to log into the system. At least once every six months and preferably more often. We may close dormant accounts.

  • To only use the provided computer facilities for the academic purposes given on their collaboration form which are related to their collaboration. Private or commercial use is not permitted.

  • To respect software licenses. Some mathematical software (eg Maple) is only for the use of current staff and students. If in doubt ask.

  • To ensure we have an up to date, frequently checked, email address on record.  Please use the self service section on to record this address.

  • To remember that in general, the availability of a facility does not imply permission to use it. Your continued use of the facilities is permitted solely for the uses given by the academic who authorised your collaboration. If in doubt ask the IT Helpdesk what was given when your collaboration was set up. You may not attempt to access facilities you are not permitted to use. If a mistake was made ask for another collaboration to be arranged.

  • To understand and accept that the University does not permit us to allow addresses to be used by people who have left the University unless there is a close academic association with the university.  If you need an address for your collaboration the person who authorised it needs to make a case to their head of department.


Some policies
Email Address Policy

Personal Web Page

Raven Policy

End of collaboration period

To remove all personal and private files at the end of a collaboration and tidy the data areas you kept data in.

Extending a collaboration

  • If at the end of your collaboration period you are starting a new collaboration or otherwise find you need continued access to the system, then please arrange for a new form to be filled in for you.

  • It is absolutely fine for your academic sponsor to renew your access before your current access expires.


All enquiries to the IT helpdesk please.