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Welcome to Mathematics in Cambridge

From Newton and earlier to the present day, Cambridge Mathematicians have led the world.

We offer outstanding undergraduate and postgraduate taught courses, and exceptional PhD programmes.

We carry out research of world class excellence spanning topics in Pure Mathematics and Mathematical Statistics (at DPMMS), and Applied Mathematics and Theoretical Physics (at DAMTP).

Our innovative education programmes and outreach events support teachers and school students worldwide, and share the excitement of the subject with the public.


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Hannah Fry announced as Professor of the Public Understanding of Mathematics

Hannah Fry will join the Department of Applied Mathematics and Theoretical Physics on 1 January 2025 as Cambridge's first Professor of the Public Understanding of Mathematics.

Podcast: Hannah Fry – mathematics for all

In this podcast Hannah Fry talks about her own work, what she is looking forward to about joining Cambridge, and her hopes for the future of mathematics communication.

Senior Government minister visits Cambridge to explore the potential of AI

The Rt Hon Pat McFadden MP met researchers including DAMTP’s Professor Carola-Bibiane Schönlieb to discuss ways in which AI can transform public services and healthcare.

Counting on connections: Julian Sahasrabudhe wins Whitehead Prize

Dr Julian Sahasrabudhe (DPMMS) has won a Whitehead Prize for his outstanding contributions to Ramsey theory, his work on complex analysis and random matrix theory, and his remarkable progress on sphere packings.

Professor Sir John Aston FRS appointed Pro-Vice-Chancellor for Research

Professor Sir John Aston, Harding Professor of Statistics in Public Life in DPMMS, has been appointed Pro-Vice-Chancellor for Research at the University of Cambridge.

Thinking inside the box: new insights on a particle physics enigma

An enigmatic particle has defied explanation since its discovery two decades ago. But new work by by researchers in the High Energy Physics group in DAMTP and colleagues may shed light on the mystery.

The power of collaboration: celebrating the mathematics of Timothy Gowers

Mathematicians from around the world gathered at the Isaac Newton Institute in April 2024 to celebrate both the mathematics and the 60th birthday of Professor Sir Tim Gowers FRS.

We collaborate and consult with business, industry, governments, NGOs, charities, and fellow teachers and academics. We recruit worldwide. We value our alumnae and alumni.