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How to take a screenshot using Linux

PrintScreen, xfce4-screenshooter

  • Use the shortcut key PrintScreen to capture the whole desktop and Alt+PrintScreen to capture the current window (these also work under Windows).
  • Or select Applications -> Accessories -> Screenshot from the menus.
  • Or type xfce4-screenshooter from the command line.
  • xfce4-screenshooter -f will capture the whole desktop.


To select an X window or an area of the screen with the mouse and save it in the JPG image format to a file entitled window.jpg, use:

import window.jpg

To select an X window or an area of the screen with the mouse and save it in the Encapsulated PostScript format to include in another document, use:

import figure.eps

To capture the entire X server screen in the JPEG image format in a file entitled root.jpg, without using the mouse, use:

import -window root root.jpg

To capture the 512x256 area at the upper right corner of the X server screen in the PNG image format in a well-compressed file entitled corner.png, without using the mouse, use:

import -window root -crop 512x256-0-0 -gravity northeast -quality 90 corner.png