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Directors of Studies have responsibility for the academic life of the undergraduate students reading the Mathematical Tripos in their College. They play a key role by advising on course choices and arranging supervisions (the small-group teaching sessions which characterise Cambridge undergraduate education). The Senior Tutors' Committee has issued a role description of Director of Studies.

The Faculty provide (internal access only, Raven authentication may be required):

Directors of Studies Meetings

The Directors of Studies in Mathematics meet termly to discuss matters concerning the Mathematical Tripos, including admissions and supervisions. Their views are fed in to Faculty Board.


Responsibility for hosting and convening the meetings passes to a different College each academical year, following a rota agreed by the Directors of Studies.

  • The host College for 2024-2025 is Emmanuel, and the Convenors is Stephen Cowley <>
  • The rota for convening the meetings of the Directors of Studies in Mathematics
  • The Convenor is co-opted as a member of the Faculty Board (if not already a member in their own right)


Minutes of the meetings of the Directors of Studies in Mathematics (internal access only, Raven authentication required)