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Many of the IT services you will use are offered at institutional level by University Information Services, whilst others are provided locally and supported by the Faculty’s IT and Computing team.

The following is a quick summary of essential information to get you started.

University Information Services

Getting Started with IT

Your University account (crsid and password) provides access to your Cambridge email and most University resources. Further details on how and when you can activate this are provided in the online UIS guide to 'Getting started with IT'. See ‘IT services for students’ for a more general summary of IT services provided via UIS, including software.


You can set up devices to connect to eduroam and automatically stay connected to the network around Cambridge. You can also connect at other participating universities around the world, using your University account.

Acceptable Use Policy and Cyber Security Training

You are expected to read and abide by the Acceptable Use Policy, and to undertake Cyber Security Training upon arrival and routinely thereafter.

UIS help and support

As well as resources on their website, the UIS have a 24/7 support service for front-line queries such as:

  • password resets
  • MFA resets
  • wifi setup and troubleshooting

This uses the live chat feature on the UIS IT Help and Support page at

Faculty of Mathematics Services

Laptops and your office set-up

Students are expected to use their own laptop. The IT team will provide you with peripherals (monitor, keyboard, mouse), if needed, so that you can connect a laptop (contact them via If you are a PhD student, and you do not already have one, your Department is able to offer (limited) financial support to put toward purchase of a laptop if necessary. You are responsible for maintaining and backing-up your own laptop and data. [See Computing arrangements for incoming PhD students for full details].

You are responsible for ensuring that your work station (your desk, chair and computer) are set up correctly for your personal needs, and for reporting problems (e.g. there is an issue with your monitor resolution). The University provides information and guidance on things to consider.

Maths Linux Accounts

If you need a Maths Linux Account your Supervisor should request a login via; when doing so they must stipulate what resources you need, why you need them and a start date. The account, if approved, will be set-up by the Maths IT team and you will be notified by them, with instructions on how to access your account. For further see:

Your Department web profile

Your Department web profile will be automatically set-up. You have the right to opt-out, and you can also edit your photograph and select other details via self-service. Further instructions are on the website.

Mailing lists

You will be automatically subscribed to a number of lists so that we can communicate with you about course, site and event information to you. Lists are for the following groups:

  • Research students [damtp-students or dpmms students]
  • Department members [damtp-all or dpmms-all]
  • Centre for Mathematical Sciences [cms-all]
  • Pavilion [e.g. maths-pav-c]
  • Research group list [if you are in DAMTP and your group has one]

You can check which lists you are subscribed to by visiting:

Additionally, we populate the following two lists based on CamSiS information, but you can subscribe to or leave these lists at any time via the link above:

Other key information for users

Maths help and support

For help and support from the IT team you can:

  • email
  • phone 01223 (7)66100
  • visit helpdesk office (B0.25) between 09:00-11:00 Monday to Friday [note only urgent issues will be dealt with outside of these times].

Common issues and possible solutions are documented on the troubleshooting webpage