Web page Policy
Definitions for maths in this document.
- Profile page: Formal webpage under /people on www.maths, www.damtp, www.dpmms and www.statslab. There are templates to edit this.
The self service may be used to opt out of it or to choose not to display various aspects like phone number. The self service is also used to set your preferred web display email address. - User page: Informal page under www.damtp.cam.ac.uk/crsid or www.dpmms.cam.ac.uk/~crsid or www.statslab.cam.ac.uk/~crsid You are on your own editing this.
- contracted staff Your employment contract is with maths and you are paid by the university .
Who gets what
Academic Staff and all other contracted staff
Have profile page.
May set up user page.
Research Students
Have profile page
May set up user page.
College Research Fellows / College Teaching Officers
Have profile page
May set up user page.
Have profile page. Will list under visitors. If need to list under research staff instead then the head of group, head of department or department administrator should drop an email to help@maths.cam.ac.uk. Do not receive user page. If you have a need of one the person who authorised your access on the system makes a case direct to their head of department.
Everybody Else
If you have a need for a profile or a user page the person who authorised your access on the system makes a request direct to their head of department.