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Access to ejournals - troubleshooting

Read this first

The majority of ejournals and databases licensed by the University are covered by the JISC Model License. For most journals this restricts off-campus access to current staff and students. Please read the University Library's guide to the use of ejournals.


You can't access a journal, or perhaps you can access it from the CMS but not from home. Why?

Does Cambridge subscribe to it?

Browse or search the ejournals a-z. Pay attention to the information on which issues of the journal are available.

Web form to report ejournal issues.

Check your Raven password

First make sure it works

Test that your Raven password works. If you are a returning visitor, it may have been cancelled since your last visit.

If you

  • have never had a Raven password
  • can remember your Raven password but it has stopped working
  • have never changed your Raven password (even if you have forgotten the original one you were given)

then you should email help@maths so that we can reactivate your Raven password or allow you to collect a new one. We will need to know your date of birth and, if you are a visitor, your leaving date.

If you have changed your Raven password and forgotten it, you need to request a password reset token from a Maths CO or one of the UCS service desks. Remember to bring your University card with you.

Then check it gives you journal access

Can you access electronic resources? Many visitors cannot. If you are a visiting scholar and need to access electronic resources off campus, email explaining this and giving your CRSid.

Entitled to access journal off-campus but can't?

If you pass the Raven test mentioned above but still have issues accessing a journal off campus, there are a couple of options.