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Quick Reference List Of Unix Commands
General Commands
- passwd - change your password
- exit, logout - log out
- man - display Unix manual pages
- cal - display a calendar (for calendar software use Google Calendar)
- date - display today's date
- whoami - display your login name
- quota - view your quota
- hostname - display the computer's name
- w - who else is using the computer
File Handling
- emacs, pico, vi - editors
- cat > file - type in a file
- cat file - display a file
- more, less - display file a page at a time
- ls - list files
- rm - delete files
- mv - rename files
- cp - copy files
- cd - change directory
- pwd - show current directory
- mkdir - create directory
- rmdir - remove empty directory
- chmod - change access permissions on existing files
- umask - change default access permissions for new files
- lpr - print file
- lpq - list print jobs
- lprm - cancel print jobs
Email, WWW And Networking
- thunderbird, pine, mutt - read and send email (webmail is another option)
- firefox, google-chrome - browse the World Wide Web
- lynx, w3m - browse the World Wide Web (text only)
- ssh - connect from one machine to another securely
- scp, ftp - transfer files between machines
- pidgin - Internet Relay Chat client
- ps - list processes
- top - list all processes, starting with those taking the most CPU time
- srun command - add a simple command to the queing system
- command & - run command in the background
- nice command & - run command in the background at a reduced priority
- kill - kill a process