Help! It's not working!
This page deals with general computer problems which are making it impossible to do your work - anything which used to work but now doesn't probably fits here. Before emailing help@maths, please read this to see whether you can solve your own problem.
The Magic Reboot
If you have a Windows computer at home, you probably already know that sometimes it just plays up for no apparent reason and the only fix is to reboot it. You can do that with our Windows computers too, using the "Sleep, Shutdown or Reboot" icon on the desktop. Some printer problems are also resolved by turning the printer off and on ("power-cycling it").
Linux computers may also benefit from a reboot. As it is possible that this will interrupt other users' work, we have made sure that the power icon and the command reboot
will only work if nobody else is using the PC.
Clearing /tmp
Each Linux machine has its own directory called /tmp where programs keep their temporary files. Sometimes a program will act up because its temporary files have become corrupted. If e.g. Firefox or acroread is failing to work on your office computer but fine on the public computers, it is likely to be a /tmp issue.
Specific Issues
- Laptop issues
- Linux graphical desktop messed up
- Can't log in
- Hung session, missing files or drives
- Missing software, incorrect PATH
- Locating mislaid files
- Can't print
- Email problems
- Firefox problems
- Xubuntu 20.04 focal
Requesting Help
The best way to request computer help is by email to help@maths. If you are unable to email then phone extension 66100.
If you prefer to visit the helpdesk drop in hours are:
10am to 11am and then 2pm to 3pm. The office is B0.30.
The Helpdesk is closed over the Christmas break.