For Access to the Maths Linux system
How to apply for a login to the Maths Linux system.
How to extend a Maths login.
How to reopen a Maths login.
How to arrange for login access as a collaborator after leaving the department.
Check if you have a login:
If you cannot access that page then it is likely you have neither a current position record in Maths nor a current login.
In DAMTP, your group / pavilion secretary can advise you about your position record. In DPMMS, please ask the head of department's PA.
To make an application:
Current Staff / Student (Quick way)
- the above record page link shows a current staff or student position record for you and
- it has at least six months left on it
- and the start date is in the past or very near future
then email from your University Email address (ends in ) to request a maths linux login. Provide
- Reason for access
- Resources needed
Copy your supervisor / PI if their permission is needed for any resources. Your login will be made to match the end date on your position record. If any of the above does not work for you then follow the instructions below instead.
You, your supervisor, host or PI send an email to the Maths IT Manager ( This is your application. The IT Manager and the OCC decide whether or not you receive the login.
Please send the email from your University Address. Add either the applicant's last name or CRSid to the subject line because we get a lot of similar subject lines.
In the email please include:
- Applicant name
- Applicant CRSid (where known)
- Applicant status in DAMTP / DPMMS
- Reason for access
- Resources needed
If you are not a current staff / current research student of DAMTP or DPMMS then please also include:
- How long you need the login
- Who you will be working with (please copy them in the email; they will be expected to confirm your need for a login)
- Your date of birth
- Applicant's contact email address
- DAMTP / DPMMS Visiting Fellows: Name of Fellowship
- If you are from a different department in this university (or college)
How long to your review date?
If you are a staff or student in DAMTP / DPMMS your login review date is usually your position's end date.
Otherwise, access is usually for one year at a time. The occassional exception is at the discretion of the IT Manager.
You can check your Maths login review date and position end (or review) date at:
Need to know:
- The login comes with a University Account so you can access our password and VPN services. It also comes with an email address. We need you to read this regularly or to redirect it to an address you do read. System messages will be sent to this address and we expect you to read them.
- We may need to get some confidential information to you. If you are off-site this will involve a video call. Further information will be emailed to you by the Maths Helpdesk.
- We expect you to log into the account frequently. Logins not touched in half a year will be closed.
- The Maths system as well as the UIS who run the Email and University Account system will email you around review time. The UIS email offers you an informal extension. This only covers the services ran by UIS. It does not cover your Maths Linux login. If you need more time for that you must apply again for access.
If you are leaving us and need to continue to be able to log into the Maths Linux system then follow the above instructions. You must include your date of birth, as part of the process requires us to fill out a form what requires it for verification purposes. Please copy the person you will be working with so they can confirm this work.
When you are switching from staff to emeritus if you need to keep your login then follow the above instructions. Arrange the time period to review with the IT Manager. Let the IT Manager know if you have a college who is arranging for your University Email.