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Under the maths windows system most people use role drives to share files. Role drives live on the maths servers.

The UMDs expect file sharing to happen over sharepoint or one of their local drives. 

How to save to sharepoint (eg from email)

Teams -> Sharepoint page. 


Select option for Add shortcut to onedrive.  Saving to this folder in onedrive will then automatically add your files to that sharepoint site.


How to connect to maths role drives

Most role drives are moving to Sharepoint. If you have a role drive still on the maths server here is how to access it. As the role drives are on the maths servers you must contact the maths helpdesk if you have difficulties with these intructions.

A script to map drives can be found below.  To use this script copy the code below. 

Now single right click on an empty space on the desktop and create a new TEXT file.  Within this file paste the code you've just copied.  Save the file as 'Map drive.bat'.  What will happen is the file will be saved as 'Map drive.bat.txt', the file needs to be renamed and the '.txt' part removed.  You'll see the icon for the file change when it's renamed. 

You can now double click on the desktop icon to run the code.  The first time you run it you will be asked for your CRSid and you Maths password.  Once entered they will be saved so you won't need to enter them in the future.  The code will then ask you if you want to map a drive to the list of role drives and if you want to map a drive to your N:\ drive (users of Windows desktops will be familiar with the N:\ drive).


Ask IT to install this script for you.


@echo off

:: Script to be used along with OpenVPN to map the N: drive to the user Maths home directory

:: as well as mapping Role Drive to R:
:: C. Mortimer Feb 2024

set HOME_PATH=\\%DOMAIN%\home-space
set ROLE_PATH=\\%DOMAIN%\role-space
set COUNT_MAX=14
set COUNT=1

if exist %HOME_LETTER% net use %HOME_LETTER% /d
if exist %ROLE_LETTER% net use %ROLE_LETTER% /d

cmdkey /list|findstr admaths\%MATHS_USERNAME% 1>NULL
if errorlevel 1 goto save_cred
goto map_role

set /p MATHS_USERNAME="Enter your CRSid (Press Enter to use %MATHS_USERNAME%): "
cmdkey /add:%DOMAIN% /user:admaths\%MATHS_USERNAME% /pass:

net use %ROLE_LETTER% %ROLE_PATH% /savecred /p:yes 
set /p MAP_HOME_Q="Do you wish to map a drive to your N: drive [Y/N]? "
if /I "%MAP_HOME_Q%" EQU "Y" goto :map_home
if /I "%MAP_HOME_Q%" EQU "N" explorer %ROLE_LETTER% & goto :end

net use %HOME_LETTER% %HOME_PATH% /savecred /p:yes

explorer %HOME_LETTER%
explorer %ROLE_LETTER%
