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 Receiving your UMD

A member of the maths IT team will give you your UMD.  They will offer you a choice of follow up meeting times.  

You need to log into your UMD and let it configure itself. This takes half an hour to an hour. This must be done before your follow up meeting.
Instructions for this step. If you were given the UMD in a box you will also find the instructions under the smart barcode on the box. 

Once that is done there are various tasks to do, some covered by the instructions above and some in the left hand menu.  Any of these you were unable to do will be sorted for you at the follow up meeting.  

  • Tell the laptop it is part of the Faculty of Mathematics
  • Set up the maths VPN
  • Configure the laptop for printing
  • Go to the company portal and install any software you need
  • If you need adobe pro sort out the license.  It may be transfered if you or your team already have one or a new one needed. Email help@maths FAO Pawel.
  • Role drive access configuration
  • Set up eduroam
  • Other things mentioned on these pages


Please wait for your follow up meeting to ask questions from IT.  We will try to offer times that are close to when you receive your UMD and further away for you to choose from.   If after the follow up meeting you still have difficulties then arrange with the maths helpdesk for another follow up meeting. State what you need assistance with so that IT can choose who visits you.  Online meetings are available if you work from home. 

If your office has a poor wireless signal IT will cable up a network port for you.  This may be done either at device handover time or at the follow up meeting.  If you are not using a wired network connection in CMS and you experience issues with wifi dropping please request a 'UMD wired connection' from the maths helpdesk. 

Additional Assistance

This is ideal for answering  how to questions like how do I change the font size of my message list, how do I set an auto reply.