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Network connection issues:  The university of Cambridge guest network is only for UMD setup. After that you must use eduroam with the laptop in CMS.

Eduroam setup


Eduroam setup link:


As the UMD is a new device you can skip step two.

The instructions tell you to create a new network access token and this must be obeyed.  You cannot use your current eduroam token.

If you run into difficulties, please drop an email to help@maths to arrange a time for IT to assist you.

Keep losing signal in CMS office

The wireless signal is patchy in some parts of CMS.  If you find your device is regularly losing access to role drives, cannot get an eduroam signal, logging itself out of the maths vpn or that kind of thing then you need your device to be a 'wired' device in CMS. Drop an email to help@maths with the request for your device to be added to our UMD wired network. 

The information to provide is:

a/ Name of device

b/ Physical address of device

c/ The number of the network port. 

d/ If the network port is more than a meter from your laptop tell us as we'll need a longer cable.   We do not want cables causing trip hazards. 

For (a) and (b) open the cmd program and run the command ipconfig /all  Send the output to us.  There is more information on how to get this over here.

For (c) look above the network port and you will see an number.  For example  P3/1/109.