- Baker - Symmetry-breaking in Zebra fish development
- Bartley - Glimpses of structure
- Cirstoiu - Quantum Information Theory
- Coy - The effects of passive and active internal forces on the beating patterns of sperm flagella
- Dauparas - Floating channel flows
- Eperon - Modified gravity in Cosmology and Astrophysics
- Kenton - Emptying bottles: a study of glugging
- Kilbane - Fluid flow over airplane wings
- Komatar - Second Neighbourhood conjecture
- Kunesch - Scalar field bubble collisions
- Kunesch - Multi-field chamelion models
- Phillips - George Peacock and the development of British algebra
- Qiao - Amultiplicative regularization approach for inverse problems in image processing
- Rees - Ordinary and Modular Representations of Finite Symmetric Groups
- Schulz - Natural convection in melting icicles
- Smith - Combinatorial logic, or is it really the lambda calculus?
- Waldron - Discrete Gaussian free fields
- Xu - Representation of the doubling symmetry group