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Summer Research Programmes


The CMP Presentation Day

The CMP Presentation Day is the annual showcase of the projects undertaken by maths students outside of the Faculty in other university departments / institutes and in industry. Also invited to present are the student undertaking projects in the CMS as part of the Philippa Fawcett and Cambridge Mathematics Open Internships.

It is a full-day event concluding with drinks and formal dinner at a Cambridge college.

All students that are receiving funding support from the department are expected to give a talk, and we hope that students working on projects with our industrial partners will also be able to come and present.

Project supervisors and hosts are invited to attend as well as our donors and other key supporters of the programme.



In 2024 CMP Presentation Day will take place on Wednesday 21 August.



Students will receive an email roughly 6 weeks before the day inviting them to register to give a talk. Hosts and supervisors will also receive an email invitation around this time (RSVP required).  If you aren't able to make it, you'll have the option to give a presentation at the Summer Research Festival in October instead.


Preparing your talk

Talks should be 17 minutes long (plus a few minutes for questions) and use either Powerpoint or pdf slides. One of the CMP Directors will host a Prep Workshop over the summer to help students prepare. They will run through the format of the day, offer advice on presentations (timing, content, format etc) and answer questions.



This is a guide only.  The final schedule, complete with speakers and talk titles, will be circulated a few weeks in advance of the day. 

10:30am - 11:00am Arrival - Tea & Coffee
11:00am  - 12:30pm Presentations
12:30pm - 1:30pm Lunch
1:30pm - 3:00pm Presentations
3:00pm - 3:30pm Tea & Coffee
3:30pm - 5:00pm Presentations
5:15pm - 6:15pm Programme review and feedback meeting
7:00pm - 7:30pm Pre-dinner Drinks
7:30pm Dinner in a Cambridge college