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Part III (MMath/MASt)

These courses provide a thorough introduction to General Relativity and Cosmology. The Michaelmas term courses introduce these subjects, which are then developed in more detail in the Lent term courses.

Please find here the introduction and pre-requisites for the Relativity and Gravitation subject area.

Title Examinable Term Number of Lectures
Cosmology Part III Examinable Michaelmas 24
General Relativity Part III Examinable Michaelmas 24
Canonical Gravity Part III Non-Examinable Lent 16
Black Holes Part III Examinable Lent 24
Field Theory in Cosmology Part III Examinable Lent 24
Solitons, Instantons and Geometry Part III Examinable Lent 16
Gauge-Gravity Duality Part III Examinable Easter 16
Gravitational waves and numerical relativity  Part III Examinable Easter 16