On instruction of the Faculty Board, the advice on progression and transfer to Part III Mathematics has been modified and augmented for this year as detailed below. Please note that this advice is intended to be read in conjunction with the information given in the later sections of this page as it applies in a normal year.
Progression from Part II to Part III of the Mathematical Tripos for the Academic Year 2020/2021 (Added 28 May 2020)
The Faculty Board has decided that in light of the unusual circumstances this year, those Part II students who obtained a first in IB and who pass the Part II pass/fail examination in June (leading to a first being awarded in Part II on the basis of their Part IB result) will automatically be allowed to progress to Part III. All other students wishing to proceed to Part III should ask their College to apply to the Faculty's Permissions Committee on their behalf. The Permissions Committee will make decisions on a case-by-case basis, guided by the following principles this year:
(i) The criterion for permission to progress from Part II to Part III is that a student should be more likely than not to get at least a Merit in Part III of the Mathematical Tripos. The Permissions Committee is mindful of the fact that evidence for whether the required standard has been reached may be much less complete or conclusive than normal, and is therefore likely to interpret this criterion generously this year;
(ii) given the unusual circumstances and examination format, the Permissions Committee will pay particular attention to evidence from Part II supervision reports;
(iii) the Permissions Committee is more likely than in a normal year to take into account applicants' performance in earlier parts of the Tripos.
The Faculty Board has recommended that the rule that "students in the top 40% in Part II of the Mathematical Tripos whose applications are supported by the college should normally be allowed to progress to Part III" be suspended this year.
As usual, the application should consist of a letter from the student, a supporting case by the Director of Studies, and, when medical evidence is present, a letter from the Senior Tutor. Since Part III is expected to be no less demanding than usual next academic year, the academic assessment by the Director of Studies should be reasoned and supported by firm evidence. It should include the detailed Tripos record of the student in Parts IA and IB, supporting evidence from supervision reports from Part IB, a copy of all supervision reports from Part II, and any further comments sought for the purpose of the letter from supervisors in the student's chosen field of study. Details of the applicant's performance in the Part II pass/fail examination, even if available at the time of application, will not be taken into account by the Committee.
Applications should reach the Secretary of the Faculty Board of Mathematics by noon on Monday 29th June 2020.
Further Update on Progression from Part II to Part III of the Mathematical Tripos (Added 22 June 2020)
In light of the University’s announcement at https://www.cam.ac.uk/coronavirus/students/assessment/second-assessment-period-and-in-person-exams, the Faculty has issued the following further guidance concerning progression, supplementing and clarifying the information already available on this page.
As stated above, those Part II students who obtained a first in IB and who pass the Part II pass/fail examination in June (leading to a first being awarded in Part II on the basis of their Part IB result) will automatically be allowed to progress to Part III. All other students wishing to proceed to Part III should ask their College to apply to the Faculty's Permissions Committee on their behalf by noon on Monday 29 June 2020, regardless of whether they sat the pass/fail examination in the first assessment period or plan to sit it in the second, and regardless of whether they intend to sit the classed examination.
The details of the application are as previously announced. A positive decision by the Permissions Committee will put applicants in standing to progress to Part III subject to a pass in the pass/fail examination. As previously stated, details of the applicant's performance in the Part II pass/fail examination, even if available at the time of application, will not be taken into account by the Committee.
The University has announced its intention, subject to PHE guidelines, to run the in-person classed Part II examinations in September. Provided this is possible, which cannot be guaranteed, we anticipate that any student whose application to progress to Part III was declined by the Permissions Committee in July and who sits the classed examination will be able to request a review of their application in light of their classed examination performance prior to the start of the academic year 2020/2021. Those who obtain a first would be given permission to progress automatically; those who do not would be reconsidered by the Permissions Committee on a case-by-case basis. Students given permission in this way would be able to commence Part III in October 2020, albeit at very short notice, provided they have not graduated.
A no-jeopardy policy will apply: once a student has been given permission to progress to Part III, either through a first in Part IB or through a positive decision by the Permissions Committee in July, this permission stands irrespective of the student's performance in the classed examination.
Students and Colleges are reminded that, if a student graduates with a BA after three years of study, they cease to be eligible for the MMath. A student who is unsuccessful in their application for permission to take Part III can graduate at a later congregation or in absentia.
Progression Part III following the Classed Part II Exam (Added 4 September 2020)
Students and Directors of Studies are reminded that any Part II student whose application to progress to Part III was declined by the Permissions Committee in July and who sits the classed examination in September will be able to request a review of their application in light of their classed examination performance prior to the start of the academic year 2020/2021.
An announcement to this effect was circulated on 22 June 2020, and is copied above for your convenience.
The Faculty expects the results of the classed Part II examination to be available to students and Directors of Studies by close of business on Tuesday, 29 September 2020.
Applications for reconsideration by the Permissions Committee should be made by the student's Director of Studies and must reach the Secretary of the Faculty Board of Mathematics by 10am on Thursday, 1 October 2020, via undergrad-office@maths.cam.ac.uk.
The student’s Director of Studies will be expected to comment briefly on the student’s results in the classed examination. No further elements will be required provided a full case for support (including Part II supervision reports) was submitted previously, in June.
The Permissions Committee expects to communicate its decisions by close of business on Thursday, 1 October 2020.
Students given permission in this way will be able to commence Part III in October 2020, albeit at very short notice, provided they have not graduated.
Transfer from Part II NST Physics to Part III of the Mathematical Tripos for the Academic Year 2020/2021 (Added 28 May 2020)
The Part III Permissions Committee understands that Physics students wishing to progress to Part III Physics will not be classed this year, and will consider applications from NST Physics students hoping to transfer to Part III Mathematics on a case-by-case basis. The following general principles will apply:
(i) The Permissions Committee is likely to interpret admissions criteria generously this year in light of the unprecedented situation applicants find themselves in;
(ii) given the unusual circumstances and examination format, the Permissions Committee will pay particular attention to evidence from Part II supervision reports;
(iii) the Permissions Committee is more likely than in a normal year to take into account applicants' performance in earlier parts of the Tripos.
The Faculty Board has recommended that applicants whose applications are supported by their college and who have obtained a first in each of IB Physics A, Physics B, and IB Mathematics should normally be allowed to progress to Part III.
As usual, applications from candidates from other Triposes, such as NST Physics, must demonstrate ability in an area of mathematics comparable with candidates from the Mathematical Tripos. The application should highlight the mathematical experience of the applicant and the match with the type of Part III courses they wish to do. The application should include rankings in each of the first two years of the Tripos, with details about performance in individual subjects. It should also include evidence from Part II supervision reports in mathematical subjects, the results of TP1 and TP2, and any information that would be used to determine progression to Part III Physics (that is, computing project and research review, and but not the results of the formative Easter-term assessment).
The Permissions Committee does not expect any NST Physics student wishing to transfer to Part III Mathematics to undergo optional vivas.
Applications should reach the Secretary of the Faculty Board of Mathematics by noon on Monday 29th June 2020. It is possible that we may be able to make some decisions sooner.