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Part III (MMath/MASt)


General information

Part III is designed as a year where you make the transition from undergraduate to independent learner. As such, it is an intensive and demanding course, which is intended for advanced mathematics students with a high level of self-motivation and the capacity for independent study.

The expectation is that most students will handle the amount and depth of mathematical learning required without further assistance. There is not as much formal support in Part III as in the first three years of the Cambridge undergraduate course, but there are many informal opportunities for support for Part III students. This informal support takes the form of events such as preparatory workshops, study groups and the Part III seminar series.  It is recommended that Part III students make full use of this support. See the Academic Support section of the current student webpage.

The Part III cohort is a large and diverse group and contains some of the best mathematicians from all over the world. Students enjoy interacting with other like-minded bright minds, and typically meet future friends and colleagues among their peers. The size of the year group means that there is limited opportunity for individual contact with senior members of the department.

Feedback shows that many students enjoy the breadth and depth of courses, the interaction with their fellow Part III students, the opportunity to practice giving a talk in the Part III Seminar Series, and the process of writing an essay. The Part III essay is often the student’s first foray into reading research papers and producing an extended piece of mathematical writing, and is a large contributor to the transition to independent work.

Potential applicants should bear in mind that the assessment for Part III is heavily based on exams taken at the end of the year (typically corresponding to 5 or 6 lecture courses), with additional credit from the essay being the same as for a 24-lecture course. There is no continuous assessment through the year.

As a guideline of whether you have the correct mathematical background for the area of courses you would intend to study in Part III, we recommend that you check yourself on the "Reality checks" provided on the Advice by subject area of our How to prepare for Part III pages, where available.

The Course Specification document will also give you more information on what to expect from Part III.

Academic Entrance Requirements

The MASt/MMath is a mathematically challenging and intensive course for well-qualified students with a high level of independence and self motivation. The minimum entry requirement for non-Cambridge graduates is normally a UK first class honours degree in mathematics, physics, engineering, or statistics, or an equivalent qualification. If you are currently studying at a non-UK institution you can use the University International Qualifications Directory to look up international equivalencies. Candidates from within Cambridge should see here.

Course Structure

Part III is a 9 month taught masters course, leading to an MMath degree for those students who are undergraduates at Cambridge, and to an MASt (Master of Advanced Study) for students who join from other universities. As a taught masters programme, the main emphasis is on learning through lecture courses. Assessment is based on written exams taken at the end of the academic year and on an essay submitted about a month before the written exams begin. The standard graduation dates for successful candidates are in June and July.

The academic year is split into three terms, with 8 weeks of lectures each in Michaelmas Term (October to early December) and Lent Term (mid January to mid March), and 4 weeks of (often non-examinable) lectures in Easter Term (starting mid April). Lectures take place mainly in the morning from Monday to Saturday. Examinations usually begin in late May or early June, and are scheduled over a period of about two weeks.

Students may offer up to 16 units of credit from examination papers based on lecture courses together with 3 units of credit from an essay. This typically amounts to preparing five or six lecture courses for examination, with each course carrying either 2 or 3 units of credit. These lecture courses may be selected from the wide range offered by both Mathematics Departments, and students may freely mix courses offered by either Department. Most courses are self-contained. A Part III essay is not usually expected to contain original research (although it may do), but it is a good first step in learning skills needed for a future in research. The deadline for submission of the essay is early in the Easter Term, while examinations are taken in the latter half of the Easter Term, with 2 or 3 hour papers for 2 or 3 unit courses, respectively. Examination results are usually released in mid June, and the pass grades are Pass with Honours, Pass with Merit, and Pass with Distinction. A Merit is the equivalent of a First Class in other Parts of the Mathematical Tripos. Approximately 35-40% of the cohort achieves a Distinction, and approximately 60% achieves a Merit or higher.

Please note that the Cambridge Summer Research in Mathematics Programme is not a part of the Part III course. This programme is offered as an exciting opportunity after Part III, with the limited places available being distributed after an application process.

Postgraduate Open Day

Click here for further information about the University Postgraduate Open Day.