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Part III (MMath/MASt)


Academic support for Part III students is available through events such as preparatory workshops, study groups and the Part III seminar series. It is recommended that students make full use of this support. These activities are run by members of the Faculty and current doctoral students, with the aim of supporting Part III students through their studies, and helping them with the decision of what to do next. The Part III Timeline provides details on what happens when.

Preparatory workshops

These workshops are held at the beginning of Michaelmas term, and are primarily aimed at Part III students who have come to Cambridge from other institutions. They cover the necessary prerequisites in several core areas, including Algebraic Topology, Measure Theory, Statistics, Rings and Modules, General Relativity, Algebraic Geometry, Fluids, Foundations, Number Theory and Quantum Mechanics. This year, there are pre-recorded sessions to be followed by live sessions. The precise subjects and times will be emailed to students before the start of term. Full details and access to the pre-recorded sessions are available through Moodle here (Raven protected).

Wednesday afternoons

We host several talks and panel discussions throughout the year, usually on Wednesday afternoons. These are designed to support students in their transition from undergraduate student to independent researcher, and include an opportunity to socialise afterwards. Topics covered include:

  • Introduction to the Careers Service
  • Applying for PhDs
  • Research in the UK
  • Planning your essay: reading, understanding, structuring
  • How to give a good talk
  • Introducing Cambridge Mathematics Placements
  • Writing your essay: from outline to final product
  • All about exams
  • Revision strategies
  • Thinking about Industry?

Drop-in sessions

We arrange for graduate students in each subject area to be available on a drop-in basis, usually about once a fortnight. In this informal setting Part III students will have the opportunity to ask questions on both lecture and background material which they may not be comfortable approaching the lecturer with. The timing of these sessions will be advertised to students at the start of term. 

Study groups

Students are encouraged to form study groups to review lecture material and work on examples sheets. While many study groups naturally form on their own, we aim to provide opportunities for students with similar mathematical interests to meet and get to know each other early on in the term, so that they may form study groups on relevant topics. Details will be explained to students during the Introductory Meeting.

Part III Café

Every Wednesday between 5 and 6pm during full term (regardless of whether a Wednesday afternoon event is scheduled) the Faculty offers refreshments in the Central Core. Part III students are encouraged to use the opportunity to socialise or meet with their study groups.

Part III Seminar series

Students have the opportunity to give a short mathematical presentation in front of an audience of peers at the end of the Michaelmas and Lent terms. These seminars are grouped by subject and led by a graduate student, who will chair the session and be able to provide guidance during the preparation phase. In Michaelmas, talks usually focus on some aspect of a lecture course, or explore closely related material.  In Lent students often choose to present on their Part III essay topic. More information is available here.

Progress interviews

Every Part III student is allocated a Departmental Contact who will interview you once in Michaelmas and once in Lent to discuss progress.  Attendance at the interviews is obligatory.  A copy of the interview form, which you should complete in advance of the meeting and have your Departmental Contact sign, will be sent to your College Director of Studies towards the end of each term.  Further information on Progress Interviews is available from the Part III Handbook.

Helpful information