- Academic entrance requirements
- Application procedure
- Funding
- Course costs
- FAQs: Pre-offer
- FAQs: Post-offer
- Contact
Academic entrance requirements
The MASt/MMath is a mathematically challenging and intensive course for well-qualified students with a high level of independence and self motivation. The minimum entry requirement for non-Cambridge graduates is normally a UK first class honours degree in mathematics, physics, engineering, or statistics, or an equivalent qualification. If you are currently studying at a non-UK institution you can use the University International Qualifications Directory to look up international equivalencies. Candidates from within Cambridge should see here.
Application procedure
- Applications to the MASt are made online via the University Applicant Portal. Details of the procedure and required supporting documentation is available from the University Postgraduate Admissions website.
- The course deadline for applications, including supporting documents and references, is 23:59pm (midnight) UK time on 4 February 2025. However, if you wish to be considered for funding as part of the University Postgraduate Funding Competition, you must apply by the relevant (earlier) deadline.
- For admissions purposes only the MASt is divided into four pathways. Once here, successful applicants are free to register with either department and are free to choose courses from any area of Mathematics. Applicants should apply to the pathway which best fits their academic background and interests. The pathways are:
- You may also state a preference for a given college, see also the Graduate Union Alternative Prospectus.
- Visit our Frequently Asked Questions page for MASt Admissions.
Please note that although the Applicant Portal may allow you to submit an application without the required transcript(s) or references, any outstanding documents must be submitted by the relevant deadline for your application to be considered. The Department will not consider applications without the required supporting documents and references. Incomplete applications will not be considered once the course deadline has passed. In our experience the majority of incomplete applications have outstanding references. You are therefore strongly advised to check the Applicant Portal to ensure that your referees have uploaded your references by the relevant deadline
Each year well over 100 students are successful in arranging their funding for the MASt. Details of funding available depends on individual circumstances. Further information about funding opportunities are available from:
- the University Postgraduate Admissions website (note that the University schemes have early deadlines which you must meet in order to be considered);
- the University Cambridge Funding Search database;
- the Unofficial Guide to Part III contains a number of very helpful suggestions.
The Faculty aims to implement good practice that benefits all, men and women, equally and has a solid foundation of policies and practices to eliminate gender bias and promote an inclusive culture. The Faculty holds an Athena SWAN Bronze award for promoting women in Science, Technology, Engineering and Medicine and supports the aims of the Charter Scheme and the LMS Good Practice Scheme in seeking to advance women's careers in the mathematical sciences. The Faculty strongly encourages female applications to the MASt and wishes to draw the attention of female mathematicians to the following opportunities:
Sheila Edmonds Bursaries
Newnham College in collaboration with the Department of Pure Mathematics and Mathematical Statistics (DPMMS) offers one Sheila Edmonds Bursary for women taking Part III in DPMMS. The Bursary is for £18000 in total, and may be held in conjunction with other University funding. Female applicants who wish to be considered for a Sheila Edmonds Bursary should give Newnham college as their first choice of College on their online application and should apply for the MASt in Pure Mathematics (MASP) or the MASt in Mathematical Statistics (MASS). They should also email partiii-admissions@maths.cam.ac.uk and postgraduate.admissions@newn.cam.ac.uk to inform both the Department and the College of their interest in the bursary. The deadline for applications and expressions of interest is 7 January 2025.
The Hawkes Henderson Studentship in Astrophysics and Cosmology
Trinity Studentship in Mathematics
The Trinity Studentship in Mathematics is a one-year studentship intended for students who wish to undertake research in Mathematics at the University of Cambridge but who are required by the Faculty of Mathematics to take, in the first instance, the course leading to the Master of Advanced Study (MASt). On completion of the MASt, the student will be eligible to apply for a Trinity Internal Graduate Studentship at Trinity College in order to undertake the PhD degree.
The Martingale Scholarship
The Martingale Scholarship intends to fund and support a new generation of postgraduates to become STEM leaders. The Martingale Foundation, Faculty of Mathematics and St John’s College have partnered to ensure that students admitted via the Martingale Scholars Programme will typically have the option to be admitted as members of St John’s College and become part of a Martingale Scholars Cohort.
Ramanujan Research Studentship in Mathematics
To commemorate the connection between the renowned Indian mathematician Srinivasa Ramanujan and Trinity College, the College hopes to award a Ramanujan Research Studentship to a student from India who wishes to undertake a PhD in the broad fields of Pure or Applied Mathematics at the University of Cambridge but who is required by the Faculty of Mathematics to take, in the first instance, the course leading to the Master of Advanced Study (MASt) in Mathematics.
Alexander Crummel Scholarship
The Alexander Crummel Scholarship will offer new postgraduate scholarships, split between Master's and PhD students at Queens' College. These will be for UK-domiciled science students, and are are intended for those from disadvantaged backgrounds or those currently under-represented at the University.
Course costs
For the MASt, the Graduate Admissions Office gives information on estimated fees and costs.
FAQs: Pre-application
Am I eligible to apply to the MASt? Is my background suitable?
We are often asked by potential applicants whether or not they are eligible for consideration for the MASt degree. Applications are considered carefully on a case-by-case basis, with consideration being given to the application form, transcripts and references. Applications are considered in the context of the field of applications for the particular year. Due to the high volume of applications received and the careful scrutiny that is required before a decision can be taken, we are unable to provide individual advice to applicants on their suitability prior to receiving a full application.
Our expectation is that MASt students will have a level of mathematical knowledge equivalent to those continuing from the Cambridge undergraduate degree. Our preparation resources provide a ‘reality check’ as well as ‘prerequisites’ by subject area to help you understand the level of mathematics expected before starting the course. You are advised to consult these pages, and to also look at our undergraduate material to establish whether you have sufficient mathematical knowledge to undertake the course.
What academic condition will I be set?
The required level for admission to the MASt (Part III) is a minimum of a first class degree or equivalent in Mathematics, Mathematics and Statistics, or Physics. It may however be the case that students are set more specific requirements, such as xx% in their third year, or xx% overall. This decision is taken on a case-by-case basis dependant on the applicant's academic background. It is not possible for us to provide specific guidance on what condition you might be set in advance. The Admissions Officers will only take this decision when reviewing the full application.
Can I make more than one MASt application and apply to Pure, Statistics, Applied and Theoretical Physics?
This is technically possible. However, it is of no benefit to you to do so and does not increase your chances of being offered a place. We recommend that you apply for consideration in the area which best matches your academic interests. We have two Admissions Officers for each academic area (Pure, Statistics, Applied and Theoretical Physics). If our Admissions Officers believe that your application is more suitable for a different area (for example if you apply via Applied Maths and you are considered more suitable for Pure Maths) your application will be referred on for further consideration prior to a decision being made.To help determine the most appropriate pathway for you we recommend reviewing the Guide to Courses and the information on 'How to Prepare for Part III', which broadly defines the subject areas for each pathway.
Does it matter which MASt course I apply to?
Every application is reviewed by two Admissions Officers who are specialists in a particular area of mathematics. If you apply, for example, to Pure Mathematics your application will be reviewed by specialists in pure mathematics and will not be reviewed by those from applied mathematics, mathematical statistics, or theoretical physics unless referred on as more suitable (see above). You are therefore advised to apply via the route that best fits your current academic interests.
The requirements and course structure for Part III are the same for all students irrespective of whether they applied through the Applied Mathematics (MASA), Pure Mathematics (MASP), Mathematical Statistics (MASS), or Theoretical Physics (MASTH) application stream.
I am interested in Theoretical Physics. Is the MASt in Theoretical Physics (MASTH) the right course for me?
It is important to note that the MASt in Theoretical Physics (MASTH) forms part of Part III of the Mathematical Tripos. As such, students applying through the MASTH application stream have access to the full range of courses in Part III of the Mathematical Tripos, as detailed in the Guide to Courses. Prospective applicants may wish to compare this offering, and the course requirements, carefully to that of the MASt in Physics offered by the Department of Physics, which forms part of the Natural Sciences Tripos.
How many offers do you make?
We typically receive around 800 applications for the MASt a year. We make approximately 310 offers, with around 160 students finally being admitted. These students are joined by roughly 90 internal candidates on the MMath degree to make up a final Part III cohort of approximately 250 students.
How long will I have to wait for a decision on my application?
Applications are under review between September and April. Some decisions are made straight away. Other applications are held until later in the admissions cycle so that they can be reviewed alongside other applications to the course. It may therefore take some time for a final decision to be made and many decisions are made after the closing date for applications. We aim to have all decisions made by May.
What careers do Part III students end up in?
Unfortunately we don't currently have careers statistics available. The Faculty has a dedicated page on Careers for Mathematicians. You may also find the University Careers Service webpages a useful source of information.
Do I need to supply a GRE (Graduate Record Examination) test score with my application?
No. We do not currently require applicants to undertake a GRE test for entry to Part III (MASt). However, if you are considering applying for a PhD at a university in the US after Part III, please be aware that GRE is essential for PhD applications to many US universities. There are only three opportunities a year to do the test, in April, September and October. Registration for the September and October tests must be done during the summer holidays (about six weeks before the tests) before the start of the next academic year (i.e. before you start Part III). You can find information on Test Centres and Dates and the mathematics test on the web.
Will I need to undertake an interview?
We do not currently interview applicants for the MASt.
My application was unsuccesful. Can you provide feedback on why?
Due to the high volume of applications and enquiries we receive we are unable to provide personalised feedback to unsuccessful applicants. To put our decision in context please note that we receive around 800 applications a year from exceptional students from around the world. Each application is considered by at least two admissions officers who review applications on a case-by-case basis, with consideration being given to the whole application and supporting documentation. We take very seriously the importance of only making offers to students we believe have a suitable academic background to cope with the advanced and intensive nature of the course. It is not therefore unusual for applicants with first class degrees or equivalent in mathematical and/or related subjects to be unsuccessful.
How will Covid-19 affect my studies?
Please consult the University's dedicated pages at https://www.cam.ac.uk/coronavirus/students/all-students for the most up-to-date information.
I haven’t met the academic condition of my offer. What should I do?
You should still submit your results via your CamSiS self-service account. Details of how to do this are given in the University’s booklet: ‘Understanding the conditions of your offer’ which is available from the Postgraduate Admissions website. Please do not submit documents directly to the Department unless explicitly asked to do so. Once you have uploaded your documents into your self-service the Graduate Admissions Office will send your application to the Department for reconsideration. The Admissions Officers will review your case based on the results that you have obtained.
Can you waive my language requirement?
The University, not the Department or Faculty, is responsible for determining the requirements for language assessments, and whether or not this requirement is met. We are therefore not able to waive your language requirement in any circumstances. If you have narrowly missed the language requirement it may be that the Graduate Admissions Office, on behalf of the University, will refer you for an assessment to the University Language Centre. However, this is a decision that will only be made once an offer of admission has been made. Applicants should read the advice on language requirements available on the Postgraduate Admissions website which is comprehensive.
Can I defer my offer?
No. The University does not permit the deferral of places on one year courses. If you are unable to take up your place you must withdraw your application via your self-service account and reapply for admission the following year. Please note that in such circumstances your application will be reviewed as if new and it cannot be guaranteed that you will automatically receive another offer of a place. You are advised to note in your application the reasons why you did not take up your place.
I might be late arriving in Cambridge, what should I do?
The Faculty expects all students to be in Cambridge at the start of October to be able to participate in the course from the very beginning. Students must be in Cambridge before the first Thursday of full term (see Term Dates) in order to commence lectures on this day. There will be meetings and talks earlier in the week in which valuable information will be provided. Experience shows that students find it very difficult to catch-up on any time lost. If you are unable to arrive by the start of term you must contact the Faculty’s Postgraduate Office for further advice.
If you require further information please contact the Faculty of Mathematics Postgraduate Office at partiii-admissions@maths.cam.ac.uk