There are many ways of giving feedback about the Maths Tripos; we encourage your feedback on all Faculty matters. Whilst the Faculty is responsible for lectures, exams and the syllabus, individual colleges are responsible for providing supervisions.
Two weeks into each course
You will receive a very brief electronic questionnaire to check things are going OK.
At the end of each course
Each lecturer should hand out a questionnaire towards the end of each course, give you 5 minutes of lecture time to fill it in, and then collect them; otherwise, you can return it to the Undergraduate Office (room B1.29, CMS). The questionnaires are analysed by the Teaching Committee at the end of the year.
At the end of each year
An email questionnaire is also sent out at the end of each year; these questionnaires are analysed by the Teaching Committee (see our page on the role of the student reps for details). The end of year questionnaire provides the Faculty with further information such as comparisons between courses, comments on the exams, and views from those who didn't finish a lecture course, not obtainable in the end of course questionnaires.
Continuous feedback on the Tripos
You can at any time e-mail the faculty feedback line Your e-mail will be received by the Director of Undergraduate Education and the Chair of the Teaching Committee who will either deal with your comment, or pass your e-mail (after stripping out any clue to your identity) to the relevant person. Your e-mail will be acknowledged and you will receive a response if appropriate. If you do not require a response and would like to remain entirely anonymous, you can instead go to the anonymous feedback form; again, your message will be directed to the appropriate person, but you will not know the result and it may be harder to deal with your comment appropriately.
Student Reps on Faculty committees
You can e-mail the student reps at about almost anything. They may be able to raise it informally, or in the relevant committee.
You can consult the official CATAM helpline,
Undergraduate supervisions are organized by individual colleges. Your DoS should be able to deal with problems concerning supervisions. Another possible point of contact is your Tutor.
Complaints procedures
The formal complaints procedure to be followed within the University can be found at: The Responsible Officer in Step 1 of this procedure for the Faculty of Mathematics is the Chair of the Faculty Board – see for the name of the current Chair.