Supervisions are the means by which small-scale undergraduate teaching takes place in the University of Cambridge. Elsewhere such teaching is sometimes referred to as tutorials. In mathematics, the typical supervision consists of a pair of students going over mathematical problems with a supervisor - normally a College or University lecturer, a research worker in one of the University departments (not always the mathematics departments), or a research student. The indvidual attention available in such supervisions is not common in many British universities, or elsewhere in the world. Each mathematics student receives roughly two hours a week of tuition. Colleges are responsible for the organisation of supervisions in Parts IA, IB and II of the Mathematical Tripos.
Tips for Students
The Faculty of Mathematics distributes a leaflet called Study Skills in Mathematics that contains tips for students to help them make the best use of their time in Cambridge. Pages 5-8 of the leaflet are particularly relevant to supervisions.
Information for Supervisors
The Faculty also provides information and advice for supervisors.