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Computer-Aided Teaching of All Mathematics (CATAM)


Please note: this edition is valid only for the Part IB academic year 2024-25.


This is the on-line version of the Part IB Computational Projects Manual for the academic year 2024-25.

It is available in Portable Document Format (PDF): most computers will be able to read this format automatically, but if not then you should download, say, Adobe Reader.

Misprints that are discovered in the manual will be announced via CATAM News. The on-line version will be corrected, and so should be up to date. However, it should always be read in conjunction with CATAM News.

Note that some of the projects may require data files, which can be found here.

Complete Manual  

This manual will also be available on the CATAM IB Moodle site.

All Sections

Manual by Section

Optional Introductory Non-Examinable Project:
0.1   Root Finding in One Dimension 
0.1   Model Solution
0.1   Student write-up
Core Projects:
1.1   Matrices over Finite Fields
1.2   Ordinary Differential Equations
Additional Projects:
2.1   The Diffusion Equation 
2.2   Schrodinger's Equation
2.3  Non-Euclidean Geometry 
2.4   Simulation of Random Samples from Parametric Distributions



This page was last modified in July 2024.