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Mathematical Research at the University of Cambridge


We study the dynamics of eccentric parsec-scale stellar disks around supermassive black holes (SMBHs) in galactic nuclei using our novel post-Newtonian N-body code BIFROST. The simulated eccentric disks (Mdisk<Msmbh) are unstable and rapidly disrupt in <1.5 Myr. The disk disruption naturally results in a formation of a milliparsec stellar population around SMBHs due to disk migration and binary disruptions via the Hills mechanism. The eccentric disk disruption can considerably boost the tidal disruption event rate of galaxies for a short period of ~1Myr. Finally, we discuss the implications of our results for understanding the structure of the Milky Way centre.

Further information


May 21st 2024
12:00 to 13:00


MR14 DAMTP and online


Antti Rantala (Max Planck Institute for Astrophysics)


DAMTP Astrophysics Seminars