Alongside the research areas within the two Mathematics Departments, DAMTP and DPMMS, we host or have strong links with a number of interdisciplinary University research centres in mathematics and related areas.
The following interdisciplinary research centres are either based in or affiliated with the Faculty of Mathematics. In addition, there are strong links between the two Mathematics departments and the Isaac Newton Institute for Mathematical Sciences.
Cantab Capital Institute for the Mathematics of Information
The advance of data science and the solution of big data questions relies heavily on fundamental mathematical techniques, and in particular their intra-disciplinary engagement.
The Cantab Capital Institute for the Mathematics of Information (CCIMI) is a collaboration between DAMTP and DPMMS. It accommodates research activity on fundamental mathematical problems and methodology for understanding, analysing, processing and simulating data.
Stephen Hawking Centre for Theoretical Cosmology
There are two circumstances in which the hidden basic fabric of the Universe is violently shaken and unveiled: in the enormous temperatures and densities of the Hot Big Bang and during the extreme collapse to form a black hole.
The Centre for Theoretical Cosmology (CTC), based in DAMTP, focuses on mathematical theories of these pivotal physical events, confronting them with observational data to gain new insight into the fundamental structure of the Universe and its origin.
Cambridge Mathematics of Information in Healthcare Hub
The Cambridge Mathematics of Information in Healthcare Hub (CMIH) is a collaboration between mathematics, statistics, computer science and medicine. It aims to strengthen collaborations between mathematics, healthcare and industry to inform and underpin the development of new mathematical approaches to healthcare problems.
CMIH's work focuses on some of the most challenging public health problems, including cancer, cardiovascular disease, and dementia.
Institute of Computing for Climate Science
Computational modelling is key to climate science. But models are becoming increasingly complex as we seek to understand our world in more depth and model it at higher fidelity.
The interdisciplinary Institute of Computing for Climate Science, hosted in DAMTP, studies and supports the role of software engineering, computer science, artificial intelligence, and data science within climate science.
Cambridge Centre for Data-Driven Discovery
The Cambridge Centre for Data-Driven Discovery (C2D3) brings together researchers and expertise to drive the analysis, understanding and use of data science and AI. C2D3 research ranges from the underlying fundamentals in mathematics and computer science, to data science applications across science, medicine, technology and society.
C2D3 Computational Biology provides opportunities for collaborative research and study at the exciting interfaces between mathematics, genomics and medicine.
Centre for Quantum Information and Foundations
The discovery that quantum physics allows fundamentally new modes of information processing has changed existing theories of computation, information and cryptography.
The Centre for Quantum Information and Foundations, based in DAMTP, conducts theoretical research into all aspects of quantum information processing, the implications of quantum computing and quantum information theory for physics, and broader foundational questions in quantum physics.
Institute for Energy and Environmental Flows
The mission of the interdisciplinary Institute for Energy and Environmental Flows is to carry out fundamental scientific research addressing challenges related to the supply, storage and use of energy and the impact on the environment.
The Institute has a focus on fluid mechanics and surface science. Its research spans expertise in mathematics, physics, chemistry, earth science, chemical engineering and engineering.
Centre for Atmospheric Science
The Centre for Atmospheric Science is one of the premier atmospheric research groups in the UK and brings together expertise in Chemistry, Applied Mathematics and Theoretical Physics, and Geography.
In the Department of Applied Mathematics and Theoretical Physics, researchers are engaged in studying fundamental dynamical processes; for example mixing processes in atmosphere and the development of new atmospheric models.
Cambridge Centre for AI in Medicine
The Cambridge Centre for AI in Medicine (CCAIM) develops pioneering AI and machine learning technologies to transform biomedical science, medicine and healthcare.
CCAIM sits at the intersection of machine learning, science and medicine, enabling deep collaboration across these disciplines to fuel each other.
Centre for Climate Repair
The interdisciplinary Centre for Climate Repair, based in DAMTP, supports research into potential tools for repairing the climate system. The objective is to advance research so the world has a clear idea of the costs, benefits, and risks of using each approach.
The centre acts as a global coordinating hub for research projects into three areas: reducing emissions, removing greenhouse gases, and refreezing the Arctic.