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Mathematical Research at the University of Cambridge


I will present a pedagogical overview of present status of cosmological 'tensions' (Hubble, weak lensing, curvature and dark energy), tailored for high energy theorists. I'll cover the principles of cosmological measurement and inference, contrasting these with particle physics approaches (including philosophical differences between frequentist and Bayesian methods). I'll cover why these tensions have been of such interest to cosmologists for the past five years, and provide a summary of the current state of play following the latest JWST and DESI data this year, and what we can expect in the near future.

Further information


Jan 31st 2025
16:00 to 17:00


MR19 (Potter Room, Pavilion B), CMS


William Handley (Cambridge U.)


HEP phenomenology joint Cavendish-DAMTP seminar