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Stage 1: Expression of Interest

Deadline: 21 February 2025

The first step in the application process is identifying up to three supervisors from either DAMTP or DPMMS that you would be interested to work with on a project and submitting the appropriate ‘Expression of Interest’ form (available from January 2025).

Identifying supervisors / projects to nominate

There are two ways to approach this:

  1. Some Faculty members have advertised specific projects or outlines for potential projects as part of the 'Summer Research in Maths' programme. You can view that list here and nominate these projects/supervisors in your 'Expression of Interest' form.  It is not necessary to contact the supervisor ahead of nominating their project, but if you have questions or would like to discuss your suitability for the project beforehand, you can contact them via the email address given in the project listing.  
  2. Consult this list of potential supervisors for summer projects and contact some of them to enquire about potential projects during the recommended project enquiry window (27 January 2025 to 21 February 2025). The list is organised by research area.  If a supervisor on the list has not also advertised a specific project or outline (see 1 above) you must contact them before nominating them on your 'Expression of Interest' form.  You need to ensure they are available in the summer and open to considering an application from you (i.e. ask them if you may nominate them on your 'Expression of Interest' form). 

What to include when contacting potential supervisors

Tell them about yourself: 

  • Who are you? Where are you currently studying? What are you currently studying? 
  •  What areas of mathematics are you interested in?
  • What skills do you have that would make you a good fit for a project in those subject areas?  
  • You don't need to propose your own project, but you may put forward ideas if you have them. 
  • We recommend that you attached your CV as well as a transcript (if available).

Tell them about the programme:

  • Please cc. when writing to a potential supervisor for the first time.
  • Make it clear that you are planning to apply for the Cambridge Mathematics Open Internship programme.

Ask them:

  • If they are available to supervise a project in the summer between Monday 7 July and Friday 29 August 2025
  • If they are open to considering an application from you (i.e. ask them if you may nominate them on your 'Expression of Interest' form).  

Expression of Interest form

Once you have identified up to three potential supervisors please submit the Internship Expression of Interest form by 21 February 2025

As well as your supervisor nominations, the form will ask for information about you and your current course of study, and allow you to enter up to three statements of interest, which will be forwarded to the supervisor(s) you have nominated for consideration.

Supporting Documents

The following supporting documents will be required: 

  • Your CV
  • Copy of your academic transcript
  • Scan / clear photo of your passport
  • Letter of reference

You will also need to provide a letter of reference before Friday 28 February 2025. Your referee should be either a tutor or other academic at your current institution who knows you and your work well.  

When you submit your ‘Expression of Interest’ form, your referee will receive an automated email inviting them to upload their reference letter.  Alternatively, they can email their letter to  


Stage 2: Final Application

Deadline: 24 March 2025

If one (or more) of the supervisors you nominate in the ‘Expression of Interest’ form confirm they would be happy to supervise you if you are accepted onto the programme, you will be contacted (no later than the week commencing 17 March 2025) to confirm and you will be invited to submit the 'Final Application Form'.

The Final Application form will ask for the following additional information: 

  • Name and email address of the Faculty member at Cambridge that has agreed to supervise your project if you are accepted.
  • Project title and description as agreed with your proposed supervisor. 
  • A personal statement:
    • Tell us what attracted you to this programme; what skills and interests you have that are relevant to the work you will be doing; how will this opportunity help you with your future goals.
    • We will be reading your statement to gauge your enthusiasm for the project and the amount of thought and effort you have already invested in it.
      One of the objectives of the Cambridge Mathematics Open Internships programme is to help widen participation and increase diversity amongst PhD students in mathematics. We’d love to know how and why this goal is important to you to.
  • If appropriate to your situation, you will be able to include an optional statement of personal circumstances where you can provide a description of any personal circumstances which may have affected your academic career to date.  E.g. educational disadvantage, caring commitments, illness, enforced career breaks or economic hardship.