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The brief of the Syllabus Committee for Mathematics in the Natural Science is to advise the Faculty Board on all aspects of the courses entitled Mathematics (A and B) in Part IA of the Natural Sciences Tripos and the course entitled Mathematics in Part IB of the Natural Sciences Tripos. It reports to the Faculty Board as required.

Terms of Reference

The committee is required to:

  • consider the Schedules for Mathematics in the Natural Sciences, having particular regard for their relationship with other courses in the Natural Sciences Tripos;
  • produce documentation for current Mathematics in the Natural Sciences students, including the Schedules and Workbook.


The Syllabus Committee for Mathematics in the Natural Sciences is a committee appointed by the Faculty Board of Mathematics. The Committee consists of seven members of the various departments that have an interest in these courses:

  1. one member of the Faculty appointed as the Chair,
  2. one member nominated by the Department of Chemistry,
  3. one member nominated by the Computer Laboratory,
  4. one member nominated by the Department of Materials Science and Metallurgy,
  5. one member nominated by the Department of Earth Sciences,
  6. one member nominated by the Department of Physics,
  7. one member nominated by the Department of Applied Mathematics and Theoretical Physics.

Members are appointed to serve for one year with effect from 1 October, and may be reappointed to provide continuity.

The current members are:

Name Department End date
Dr A Wall (Chair) DAMTP 30/09/2025
Dr R Jack Chemistry 30/09/2025
Prof A Dawar Computer Science & Technology 30/09/2025
Professor J Elliott Materials Science and Metallurgy 30/09/2025
Dr D Al-Attar Earth Sciences 30/09/2025
Professor P Cicuta Physics 30/09/2025
Professor U Sperhake DAMTP 30/09/2025