The Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Committee's remit is to promote a culture of participation and inclusivity, work to raise awareness of equality and diversity issues, embed E&D values and working practices, identify obstacles and problem areas, identify equality priorities and objectives, propose actions to meet these priorities and monitor progress. It is responsible for both staff and students and to consider all the protected characteristics including gender, race, disability and sexuality.
Click here for the Terms of Reference for the Equality and Diversity Committee which were approved by the Faculty Board at their meeting held on 15 November 2018.
The Equality and Diversity Committee is a committee appointed by the Faculty Board of Mathematics. Its membership consists of:
- a Chair
- the two Heads of Departments for DAMTP and DPMMS
- the Faculty Admissions Officer
- the Director of Undergraduate Education
- the Departmental Administrator for either DAMTP or DPMMS
- two Researcher Members (one from each Department)
- two Student Members (ideally one graduate and one undergraduate member) appointed by the Committee
- School of Physical Sciences Committee Members
- Co-opted/Corresponding Members (these members will be invited to attend meetings when required).
Members of the Committee are appointed to serve for one year, and may be reappointed to provide continuity.
Whenever a student vacancy arises on the committee, the Chair will contact all Undergraduate and PhD Students to ask if they would be prepared to sit on the Committee.
Members (Classes 1-5)
Prof. S. Bacallado (Chair)
Prof. C-c P Caulfield (Head of Department for DAMTP)
Prof. I. Smith (Head of Department for DPMMS)
Dr O. Rath-Spivack (Faculty Admissions Officer)
Dr J.M. Evans (Director of Taught Postgraduate Education)
Mr B. Daft (Departmental Administrator for DPMMS)
Researcher Members (Class 6)
vacant (DPMMS)
Dr S.M.H. Höhn (DAMTP)
Student Members (Class 7)
K. Luong (Postgraduate)
I.A. Macenka (Undergraduate)
School of Physical Sciences Committee Members (Class 8)
Dr S.J. Eglen (School of Physical Sciences Equality & Diversity Forum)
Dr R. Shah (School of Physical Sciences Race Equality Charter Self-Assessment Team)
Co-opted/Corresponding Members (Class 9)
Dr Z. Wyatt (Faculty EDI Champion)
Professor T. Fisher / Prof. N. Berloff (Director of Graduate Education from each Department)
Dr H. Krieger / Dr M. Ubiali (Corfield Lecturer / Sheila Edmonds Lecturer)
Dr J. Jasiewicz (University HR Equality & Diversity Consultant)
Professional and Support Staff Member