Welcome to the Faculty of Mathematics
Lent Term 2025
Please familiarise yourself with the information on this page in advance of your arrival. If you have any queries, please contact the Postgraduate Office.
The Faculty is located in the Centre for Mathematical Sciences (CMS). The main entrance to the Centre, with reception desk, is at the east end of the building and is approached from Clarkson Road. View directions and map. Find your way around CMS.
Induction meetings and safety training
All Lent Term 2025 starters will have an induction meeting with Professor Natalia Berloff, DAMTP Director of Postgraduate Education. This meeting will be to provide information about the following:
- Teaching and related opportunities
- Equality and diversity policy and expectations
- Researcher development opportunities
- Progression through your PhD
- Sign posting additional support available from the Faculty and the University
- Site safety procedure
All PhD students must complete the online University Postgraduate Safety Course before they start their research activities. Book a place here. Please make sure to complete this course before the end of your first week.
Computing and IT
Core information on getting you started with IT can be found on the Maths Computing and IT - New Research Student page.
- Your Cambridge log-in (previously known as Raven) provides access to your Cambridge email and most University resources. Further details on how and when to activate this are provided in the online guide to 'Getting started with IT'.
- For your office you will be provided with peripherals (monitor, keyboard, mouse) so that you can connect a laptop. To obtain these please contact the Computing and IT team at help@maths.cam.ac.uk. If you do not already have one, your Department is able to offer (limited) financial support to put toward purchase of a laptop. See Computing arrangements for incoming PhD students for details.
- You can set up devices to connect to eduroam and automatically stay connected to the network around Cambridge. You can also connect at other participating universities around the world, using your University account.
In addition, the Maths Computing and IT team provide information on resources and access via the Maths Computing and IT webpages.
Handbooks and Code of Practice for Research Students
The Faculty of Mathematics Research Student Handbook, as well as the University’s Code of Practice for Research Students, provide information, guidance and advice. Please take time to read these important documents.
- If your maintenance (living costs) will paid to you by the Department, please send us your bank details by returning a completed UPS3 form to the Postgraduate Office. You must also include a recent bank statement (you can black out account balance and transactions). We can accept UK bank accounts and international online bank accounts, like Revolut and Monzo.
- If you do not have a UK or international bank account, please wait until you have arrived and set one up before providing the above information.
- EPSRC / NERC / STFC funded students also need to create a Je-S account. Instructions are here. Your funding source can be found in your funding offer letter, but if you are unsure please contact the Postgraduate Office. Je-S is the online system via which the Department is required to report to funding bodies. You will also be required to declare your research output via Researchfish
Getting Started
You might also find these guides useful for settling in and learning what to expect from academic life.
- Arrange to meet your supervisor on arrival. We recommend discussing your project and a provisional timetable for completion. You could also discuss training, expectations about how often you will meet, and who should initiate meetings.
- The PhD CamGuides contain useful information on navigating life as a PhD student such as arriving in the city, understanding Cambridge University jargon, interviews with current students, links to wellbeing and community
- The International Student Office also produce a guide which contains practical tips for arriving such as finding your way to Cambridge, opening a bank account and accessing healthcare
- Check when your first lectures are in the Faculty Lecture List. Lectures start on the first Thursday of term
Office Allocations
All PhD students are allocated office desk space in CMS. Your Pavilion/Group Secretary will contact you directly about arrangements for collecting keys. If you do not hear from them please let the Postgraduate Office know and we will point you in the right direction.
Supervising Undergraduates
An email concerning supervision of undergraduates will be circulated to all new students ahead of the start of term. Before you can undertake supervision of undergraduates, either for the Mathematical Tripos or for Mathematics in the Natural Sciences Tripos, you must complete appropriate training. Further details can be found on our Supervision and Teaching Training page.
Other Useful Information
- If you have a Student visa, make sure you are familiar with your responsibilities
- Find out about Researcher Development opportunities
- Join the Cambridge Philosophical Society to be eligible for travel grants and funding at the end of the PhD (recommended)
- Betty and Gordon Moore Library
- Accessibility and Disability Resource Centre (ADRC)
- General information for current Maths PhD students includes information on time away, conference funding, intermission