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Postgraduate Study in Mathematics


The Faculty Researcher Development Programme is open to all research students.  The programme is organised into four key themes as detailed below.

A. Introductory training for new PhD students

Postgraduate Researcher Development: Getting Started

Essential training for first year students which has been designed as a starting point for researcher development.  It aims to:

  • Help you indentify your exisiting skills and skill gaps via a skills analysis
  • Give you training in key areas of personal effectiveness and communication (Meeting with your supervisors / Time Management / Presentation Skills)
  • Provide a foundation for further skills development in subsequent years

B. Supervision/teaching training

Supervision and Teaching Training Mandatory training for students wishing to supervise Mathematics undergraduate students.
Supervising more effectively in Mathematics Workshop to discuss good practice and experience in supervising, aimed at those with at least one year of experience. Techniques are suggested for supervising students with Aspergers which also have general value for all students.
Mental Health Awareness Workshop exploring issues around mental health, stigma/discrimination, working/interacting with people who live with mental health issues and looking after one's own mental health.

C. Career development

Grants and Fellowships Applications Toolkit Workshop providing a practical learning session with the aim of building knowledge on what is required for successful grant and fellowship applications.
Alumni in Industry Day Opportunity to hear from alumni about careers outside of academia. Comprises a series of talks followed by a panel discussion.

D. Transferable Skills

University Postgraduate Safety Course Mandatory safety training for new PhD Students
University Equality and Diversity training

Mandatory training for new PhD students covering the essentials of equaltiy and diversity: principles, impacts, initiatives and resources

University Data Protection training Mandatory data protection training which introduces data protection concepts, explains why they are important to the University, and signposts to further guidance materials
STIMULUS [Not currently running] Volunteer programme.  This scheme organises placements in local primary, secondary and 6th form colleges for participants to act as classroom assistants helping with maths, science, technology or computing classes.