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Postgraduate Study in Mathematics

Before applying to the DPMMS PhD, you are encouraged to discuss informally with possible supervisors. It will help our consideration of your application to know with whom you are interested in working and in what fields. This does not necessarily have to be narrowed down to a single supervisor or research area. 

 Contact details may be found on each supervisor's webpage. You are encouraged to make initial contact by email, and to provide a CV and brief explanation of your areas of interest.

Algebraic Geometry
Analysis and Partial Differential Equations
Differential Geometry and Topology
Information and Finance
Number Theory


Supervisor Interests Taking students for 2025
Ian Grojnowski Representation theory, reductive groups, algebraic geometry Possibly
Stuart Martin Representation theory of finite and algebraic groups. In particular the representation theory of the symmetric groups, Schur algebras, Hecke algebras and other diagram algebras, together with the associated algebraic combinatorics Possibly
Simon Wadsley p-adic representation theory of p-adic groups via algebra, geometric representation theory and p-adic analysis No
Gareth Wilkes Geometric group theory, with a particular focus on the interactions of this field with profinite groups. This includes both applying profinite methods to the classical objects of geometric group theory and studying how the techniques of GGT may be applied to profinite groups Yes

Algebraic Geometry

Supervisor Interests Taking students for 2025
Ian Grojnowski Representation theory, reductive groups, algebraic geometry Possibly
Mark Gross Algebraic Geometry, Differential Geometry Possibly
Dhruv Ranganathan Algebraic Geometry, combinatorics Possibly


Analysis and Partial Differential Equations

Supervisor Interests Taking students for 2025
Mihalis Dafermos Partial Differential Equations, General Relativity Possibly
Clement Mouhot Analysis (partial differential equations, functional inequalities, stochastic processes), foundation of statistical mechanics, kinetic theory Possibly
Pierre Raphael Non-linear waves, fluid mechanics and singularity formation Possibly
Rita Teixeira da Costa   Unlikely
Peter Varju Analysis, Combinatorics, Number Theory Possibly
Claude Warnick PDE analysis, in particular hyperbolic PDE. Classical general relativity Unlikely
Zoe Wyatt Partial Differential Equations, General Relativity Possibly
Neshan Wickramasekera Geometric measure theory, partial differential equations, differential geometry Possibly
Andras Zsak Analysis Possibly



Supervisor Interests Taking students for 2025
Bela Bollobas Graph Theory, Combinatorics, Additive Combinatorics, Combinatorial Geometry No
Tim Gowers External combinatorics, additive combinatorics Possibly
Imre Leader Extremal Combinatorics, Ramsey Theory Yes
Julian Sahasrabudhe Combinatorics, Probability and Analysis Yes
Joni Teräväinen Analytic Number Theory and Additive Combinatorics Yes
Julia Wolf Arithmetic Combinatorics, Connections with Model Theory Possibly


Differential Geometry and Topology


Supervisor Interests Taking students for 2025
Jack Button Geometric and combinatorial group theory, especially word hyperbolic groups, acylindrically hyperbolic groups, fundamental groups of 3-manifolds Unlikely
Ailsa Keating Symplectic topology, singularity theory and mirror symmetry Yes
Alexei Kovalev Differential geometry and global analysis, especially reduced holonomy, calibrated submanifolds and special geometric structures Yes
Yang Li Calabi-Yau metrics, special Lagrangians, and special holonomy. Yes
Oscar Randal-Williams Algebraic topology, including high-dimensional manifolds, diffeomorphism groups, and homological stability phenomena Yes
Ivan Smith Symplectic topology and low-dimensional topology Possibly
Gareth Wilkes Geometric group theory, profinite groups, and geometric topology Possibly
Henry Wilton Geometric and combinatorial group theory, including word hyperbolic groups and other examples arising from low-dimensional topology Yes



Supervisor Interests Taking students for 2025
Benedikt Löwe Set Theory, Mathematical Logic Yes


Information and Finance

Supervisor Interests Taking students for 2025
Varun Jog Information theory, statistics, and machine learning Yes
Ioannis Kontoyiannis Information theory, applied probability, statistics Yes
Mike Tehranchi Mathematical finance, stochastic control, applied probability Yes


Number Theory


Supervisor Interests Taking students for 2025
Tom Fisher

Computational number theory, elliptic curves, arithmetical algebraic geometry

Holly Krieger Arithmetic and Complex Dynamics Yes
Joni Teräväinen Analytic Number Theory and Additive Combinatorics Yes
Jack Thorne Automorphic forms, Galois representations, and arithmetic statistics Yes
Peter Varju Analysis, Combinatorics, Number Theory Possibly
Rong Zhou Arithmetic geometry, representation theory, geometry of Shimura varieties Yes




Supervisor Interests Taking students for 2025
Ioannis Kontoyiannis Information theory, applied probability, and statistics, including their applications in neuroscience, bioinformatics, and the development of machine learning algorithms Possibly
James Norris Topics in Probability with an orientation to models from Mathematical Physics. Examples are models of particles under elastic and inelastic collision, and large-scale structures formed by random aggregation Yes
Jason Miller Probability, in particular stochastic interface models (random surfaces and SLE), random walks, mixing times for Markov chains, and interacting particle systems Possibly
Sourav Sarkar Probability theory, particularly interested in the random growth models that belong to the so-called KPZ universality class, geometric properties of the KPZ fixed point and the relevant processes, last passage percolation, exclusion processes, competitive erosion, stable random fields, percolation theory, Coulomb gas and random walks on graphs Possibly
Perla Sousi Random walks, Brownian motion, mixing times of Markov chains, Poisson Brownian motions, rearrangement inequalities, dynamical percolation Possibly
Wendelin Werner Random fields, percolation, loop-soups, SLE and loop-ensembles Yes




PhDs in Statistics within the Statistical Laboratory cover a wide range of contemporary challenges in the subject, from theoretical and methodological innovations, to computational developments and applications in many different domains. Prospective applicants are encouraged to make contact with a potential supervisor or supervisors prior to submitting their documents. List of PhD supervisors in Statistics who are willing to consider new students for October 2025 admission:

Supervisor Interests Taking students for 2025
Sergio Bacallado Bayesian methods and Bayesian nonparametrics, analysis of Markov models, and applications to biology and biophysics Possibly
Po-Ling Loh high-dimensional statistics, optimization,  network inference,  robust statistics, differential privacy and statistical applications to medical imaging and epidemiology Possibly
Kaisey Mandel Astrostatistics and astroinformatics, Applications in time-domain astronomy and cosmology, Bayesian modeling and inference, Statistical computation Possibly
Richard Nickl Mathematical Statistics; specifically high-dimensional inference, Bayesian nonparametrics, statistics for PDEs and inverse problems, empirical process theory Possibly
Richard Samworth Nonparametric and high-dimensional statistics Yes
Rajen Shah High-dimensional statistics, semiparametric statistics, causal inference, methodology for large-scale data analysis Yes
Qingyuan Zhao Causal inference, selective inference, applied statistics (particularly in genetics, epidemiology, and social science) Yes