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Faculty of Mathematics



Professor of Mathematics

Research Interests: Algebraic and Geometric Topology, in particular: mapping class groups, moduli spaces, cobordism categories, spaces of manifolds, surgery, configuration spaces, characteristic classes, K-theory and applications of homotopy theory to geometry.



Classical homological stability from the point of view of cells
O Randal-Williams
– Algebraic & Geometric Topology
Configuration spaces as commutative monoids
O Randal-Williams
– Bulletin of the London Mathematical Society
Homological stability for general linear groups over Dedekind domains
O Randal-Williams
Smooth generalized symmetries of quantum field theories
B Gripaios, O Randal-Williams, J Tooby-Smith
– Journal of Geometry and Physics
On the cohomology of Torelli groups. II
O Randal-Williams
Uniform twisted homological stability
J Miller, P Patzt, D Petersen, O Randal-Williams
On diffeomorphisms of even-dimensional discs
A Kupers, O Randal-Williams
– Journal of the American Mathematical Society
Algebraic independence of topological Pontryagin classes
O Randal-Williams, S Galatius
The Alexander trick for homology spheres
S Galatius, O Randal-Williams
Monodromy and mapping class groups of 3-dimensional hypersurfaces
O Randal-Williams
– Mathematische Annalen
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Research Group

Differential Geometry & Topology




01223 764291