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Pine - Maths Computing System FAQ

Questions about pine and the Maths pine setup.

  1. How do I stop pine asking me to save my read mail in a received folder?
  2. I use pine and my email keeps disappearing.
  3. How do I stop pine asking me about renaming and deleting folders at the start of every month?
  4. How do I set pine up to use a printer?
  5. I'm used to using the Y key for printing not the % key that pine now defaults to - how can I keep using the Y key?
  6. How do I find large mail messages in my inbox?
  7. How do I change the way messages are sorted by pine?
  8. Pine keeps printing loads of received lines at the top of each message.


  1. How do I stop pine asking me to save my read mail in a received folder?

    From the Start screen in pine, select "S" for setup and then "C" for config. About 11 lines down you will see

    read-message-folder      = received

    Highlight this line with the cursor keys, press "D" for delete value and press the return/enter key. Press "E" to exit setup and "y" to confirm the change.

  2. I use pine and my email keeps disappearing.

    Check the email isn't automatically been saved into your received folder when you quit from pine. See above question.

  3. How do I stop pine asking me about renaming and deleting folders at the start of every month?

    Enter pine, from the startup screen select "S" for setup, then "C" for config. Press "w" for whereis and enter the text "pruning". By default this is set to ask about rename and deleting.

                Set    Rule Values
                ---  ----------------------
                (*)  ask about rename, ask about deleting   (default)
                ( )  ask about rename, don't delete      
                ( )  always rename, ask about deleting   
                ( )  always rename, don't delete         
                ( )  don't rename, ask about deleting    
                ( )  don't rename, don't delete       

    Use the cursor keys to highlight the option you'd prefer, then press "*" to select this option. In this case you would want either "always rename, don't don't delete or don't rename, don't delete. The renaming refers to the questions pine asks at the start of each month about renaming your sent-mail and received folders. Press "e" to exit setup and "y" to confirm the change.

  4. How do I set pine up to use a printer?

    Pine will pick up your default printer. See How to print from a Maths Managed Desktop. To use a different printer or customise the layout of your printouts, see this introduction to pine.

  5. I'm used to using the Y key for printing not the % key that pine now defaults to - how can I keep using the Y key.

    Start pine, from the startup screen press "s" for setup, followed by "c" for config. Type "W" for whereis and type in "printer". This will bring you to the printer preferences. Move the cursor to the line

    	[ ]  enable-print-via-y-command

    select "X" to set this, then "E" to exit setup and "y" to commit changes.

  6. How do I find large mail messages in my inbox? You temporarily sort your inbox (or other mail folder) by size. To do this type the two keys below.

    then to get your inbox back to its normal way of sorting press

    • $S for subject
    • $A for arrival
    • $F for from
    • $D for date
    • $ to see which other options are available
  7. How do I change the way messages are sorted by pine?

    Enter Setup then Config as described in previous answers. Type "W" and enter "sort key", this will bring you to the sort-key section. By default pine sorts in order of arrival.

                Set    Sort Options
                ---  ----------------------
                ( )  Subject            
                (*)  Arrival               (default)
                ( )  From               
                ( )  To                 
                ( )  Cc                 
                ( )  Date               
                ( )  siZe               
                ( )  OrderedSubj        
                ( )  scorE              
                ( )  tHread             
                ( )  Reverse Subject    
                ( )  Reverse Arrival    
                ( )  Reverse From       
                ( )  Reverse To         
                ( )  Reverse Cc         
                ( )  Reverse Date  
    	    ( )  Reverse siZe       
                ( )  Reverse OrderedSubj
                ( )  Reverse scorE      
                ( )  Reverse tHread  

    To change this use the arrow keys to highlight the option required. Press the "*" key to select that option. Then "E" to exit and "y" to confirm changes.

  8. Pine keeps printing loads of received lines at the top of each message.

    You have probably accidentally put pine into full header mode. To stop this press the "h" key while viewing a message. This toggles full headers on and off.

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