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CMS Information Screen - Information for Series Managers

If you manage a talks/seminar series at the CMS, and would like the details of it to appear on the CMS information screens, the series must be present on There is plenty of documentation on the website about creating a new list and adding talks to it, but if you need more help, please contact help@maths.

Guidelines for formatting talks

  • Specify the Venue as the Room Number or name, followed by CMS (i.e. MR2, CMS or Pavilion C Common Room, CMS). If someone is running late for your talk, they will want to see which room it's in first. Please don't put the full address into the Venue field as it may run off the screen.
  • Specify the Speaker's Name in the form Title Forename Surname, with the institution optionally in brackets, i.e. Mr Gareth Marlow (DAMTP).
  • If this is a new series, try to keep the seminar series title as short as possible

If you are adding a talk to an existing series, that's all you need to do. The changes are replicated from the site every five minutes - and similarly, if you need to edit or remove a talk, just do so on NB - if you are cancelling a talk at short notice, it would be better to just change its title to add the word CANCELLED so latecomers will see the information on the screens.

If you have created a new series, it will need to be aggregated in to the feed for your department. Please email help@maths and include the URL for your series in your email.