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All staff and students in maths should have a University email address in the form  of on how to access it is maintained by the UIS.  Please contact the UIS helpdesk initially (and not the maths one) for issues with this service.
Visitors and collaborators would not normally be issued with a University email address.

To find a Cambridge email address try the University's email directory (Raven password required) or the email and phone search (globally available). If you know their department or college, check whether the website has an email list.

For all other queries contact the Maths helpdesk.

You may have multiple email accounts e.g. and Please ensure that all your email addresses are checked regularly, especially your @cam address.

 @cam address

Mailing lists

Please keep your contact email and display email address up to date (use maths VPN to access link). These are used for the mailing list memberships. If you are not receiving your pavilion or department mailing list emails please contact your pavilion secretary (pavilions G, H and F), (pavilions C, D and E) and your group secretary or hodsec@damtp if you are in pavilion B. 

General email tips