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About the Maths Faculty


The University of Cambridge is a confederation of Colleges, Faculties and other institutions. For administrative purposes, related subjects are grouped into six Schools. A Faculty is the name given to the group of people who provide teaching (in the widest sense of the word) for a particular subject. Each Faculty belongs to one of the six Schools, and the Faculty of Mathematics is in the School of Physical Sciences. Faculties may comprise Departments and other institutions. The Faculty of Mathematics has two departments, namely Pure Mathematics and Mathematical Statistics (DPMMS) and Applied Mathematics and Theoretical Physics (DAMTP). DPMMS has a sub-department of statistics called the Statistical Laboratory.

The Faculty is responsible for ensuring the provision of appropriate instruction and adequate facilities for research, for preparing the teaching programme, and for ensuring that the teaching given is of a high standard. The work of the Faculty is overseen by the Faculty Board. The actual organisation of the teaching and research is the duty of the Heads of the individual Departments. The following committees report to the Faculty Board: