Internships Coordinator
I provide administrative leadership for all aspects of the Faculty’s Summer Research Internship Programmes and support for the Academic Programme Directors.
- The Cambridge Mathematics Placements (CMP) programme connects maths undergraduate and Master’s students at Cambridge with placement hosts in industry, the public sector, and other university departments. Contact CMP@maths.cam.ac.uk
- The Summer Research in Maths (SRIM) programme offers Cambridge undergraduate maths students the opportunity to conduct a summer research project within the Centre for Mathematical Sciences (CMS) together with a supervisor from either the Department of Applied Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences (DAMTP) or the Department of Pure Mathematics and Mathematical Statistics (DPMMS). Contact SRIM@maths.cam.ac.uk
- Students studying at other universities can also apply to undertake a summer research project in the Centre for Mathematical Sciences at Cambridge via the Philippa Fawcett Internship programme and the Cambridge Mathematics Open Internships programme. Contact visitingstudents@maths.cam.ac.uk
I am also the administrative contact at the Faculty of Mathematics for visiting students: students who are registered for a degree at another institution and attend Cambridge for a short period of study or research which is part of their degree. Contact visitingstudents@maths.cam.ac.uk
- https://www.postgraduate.study.cam.ac.uk/courses/visiting-students
- https://www.internationalstudents.cam.ac.uk/immigration/visiting-students
I have been working in university administration since 2014. Before moving to Cambridge in January 2022 and joining the Faculty of Mathematics, I worked at the American University of Paris. Prior to that I worked in a number of different roles at the University of Oxford.