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Faculty of Mathematics


Ira is studying for a PhD, under the supervision of Professor Peter Haynes FRS and Professor Rich Kerswell FRS, as part of the Atmosphere-Ocean Dynamics group and as part of the UKRI Centre for Doctoral Training in the Application of Artificial Intelligence to the study of Environmental Risks.


Ira's research is currently focused on developing probabilistic deep learning methods to emulate stochastically forced turbulent fluid flows - more information can be found here



Stochastic Latent Transformer: Efficient Modelling of Stochastically Forced Zonal Jets.
IJS Shokar, RR Kerswell, PH Haynes
– CoRR
Stochastic Latent Transformer: Efficient Modelling of Stochastically Forced Zonal Jets
IJS Shokar, RR Kerswell, PH Haynes
Learning Stochastic Dynamics with Probabilistic Neural Networks to study Zonal Jets
I Shokar, P Haynes, R Kerswell
Learning Stochastic Dynamics with Probabilistic Neural Networks to study Zonal Jets
I Shokar, P Haynes, R Kerswell