This full-day event for Year 12 girls (ages 16-17) studying A-level Mathematics is designed to broaden mathematical horizons, give a stimulating introduction to advanced mathematical problem-solving, and encourage more girls to apply to study Mathematics at university. The day will include talks giving an insight into some of the areas of maths encountered at university, and interactive problem-solving workshops. The event will give an insight into the challenging, exciting and rewarding mathematics encountered in a undergraduate degree, and will support students to develop their mathematical thinking and confidence in tackling challenging problems.
For more details please see the event webpage.
Eligibility criteria
This event is aimed at Y12 girls studying A-level Mathematics, especially those who may consider studying a mathematically-related subject at university. Participants must be taking A-level Mathematics (or equivalent): in schools that offer Further Maths A-level, we would expect you to be taking Further Mathematics too, but students from schools which do not currently teach Further Mathematics are also warmly welcomed.
How to book:
This event is free for students at state-maintained schools/colleges. Places must be pre-booked by individual students via the online registration form - please ensure you have permission to attend from your school/college and your parent/guardian/carer before booking a place.
If you have any questions about attending the event, eligibility or booking, please email us.
Travel bursaries
Thanks to funding from the University of Cambridge Widening Participation Project Fund, there is some limited funding available for travel bursaries if you are in local authority care and/or are currently eligible for Free School Meals - please give details of your estimated travel costs in the relevant section on the application form.