Interested in studying Mathematics at Cambridge? Join us for our Undergraduate Mathematics Faculty Open Days on either Saturday 27 April or Saturday 4 May.
In the morning, most Colleges offer a variety of sessions for prospective mathematicians, which cover wider aspects of undergraduate life as well as mathematics. In the afternoon, the Faculty of Mathematics offers a programme of in-person activities, including:
- Mathematical talks
- STEP workshop
- Preparation for interviews sessions
- Talks for parents and supporters
as well as 'drop-in' sessions with students and staff, where you can ask questions about admissions or the course.
How to register
For more information and to book your free place please see the Faculty Open Days page.
The format of the day is designed so that you can visit a College in the morning and then attend the Faculty Open Day in the afternoon. The Faculty Open Days page also includes more details about the College sessions on each day.