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Faculty of Mathematics



  • 1988 Service de Physique Théorique, Centre d'Etudes Nucléaires de Saclay, Gif-sur-Yvette, France Visiting Scientist
  • 1988-1991: University of Chicago, James Franck and Enrico Fermi Institutes Postdoctoral Research
  • 1991-1996: Princeton University - Assistant Professor of Physics Associated Faculty, Program in Applied and Computational Mathematics
  • 1996-2006: University of Arizona - Associate Professor then Professor of Physics and Applied Mathematics
  • 2006-2023: University of Cambridge - Schlumberger Professor of Complex Physical Systems, DAMTP
  • 2023-: University of Cambridge - Alan Turing Professor of Complex Physical Systems, DAMTP


The primary focus of my research is biological physics.  Our group conducts both theoretical and experimental research on problems of evolutionary biology (such as the evolution of multicellularity), developmental biology, and aspects of nonequilibrium phenomena unique to living systems.  We also conduct research on natural pattern formation in the physical and biological world.  

Selected Recent Publications

1. Coffee Stains, Cell Receptors, and Time Crystals: Lessons From the Old Literature, Raymond E. Goldstein, Physics Today 71, 32-38 (2018).

2. Time-Irreversibility and Criticality in the Motility of a Flagellate Microorganism, Kirsty Y. Wan and Raymond E. Goldstein, Physical Review Letters 121, 058103 (2018).

3. The Noisy Basis of Morphogenesis: Mechanisms and Mechanics of Cell Sheet Folding Inferred from Developmental Variability, Pierre A. Haas, Stephanie Höhn, Aurelia R. Honerkamp-Smith, Julius B. Kirkegaard, and Raymond E. Goldstein PLOS Biology 16, e2005536 (2018).

4. Why Clothes Don't Fall Apart: Tension Transmission in Staple Yarns, Patrick B. Warren, Robin C. Ball, and Raymond E. Goldstein, Physical Review Letters 120, 158001 (2018).

5. Aerotaxis in the Closest Relatives of Animals, Julius B. Kirkegaard, Ambre Bouillant, Alan O. Marron, Kyriacos C. Leptos, and Raymond E. Goldstein, eLife 5, e18109 (2016).

6. Batchelor Prize Lecture: Fluid Dynamics at the Scale of the Cell, Raymond E. Goldstein, Journal of Fluid Mechanics 807, 1-39 (2016).

7. Instabilities and Solitons in Minimal Strips, Thomas Machon, Gareth P. Alexander, Raymond E. Goldstein, and Adriana I. Pesci, Physical Review Letters 117, 017801 (2016).

8. Coordinated Beating of Algal Flagella is Mediated by Basal Coupling, Kirsty Y. Wan and Raymond E. Goldstein, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA 113, E2784-93 (2016).



Anti-Diffusion in an Algae-Bacteria Microcosm: Photosynthesis, Chemotaxis, and Expulsion
P Prakash, Y Baig, F Peaudecerf, R Goldstein
Swimming, Feeding and Inversion of Multicellular Choanoflagellate Sheets
L Fung, A Konkol, T Ishikawa, BT Larson, T Brunet, RE Goldstein
– Physical Review Letters
How do Cicadas Emerge Together? Thermophysical Aspects of Their Collective Decision-Making
R Goldstein, R Jack, A Pesci
Swimming, Feeding and Inversion of Multicellular Choanoflagellate Sheets
L Fung, A Konkol, T Ishikawa, B Larson, T Brunet, R Goldstein
Phototaxis of Chlamydomonas arises from a tuned adaptive photoresponse shared with multicellular Volvocine green algae
KC Leptos, M Chioccioli, S Furlan, AI Pesci, RE Goldstein
– Physical Review E
Stabilization of microbial communities by responsive phenotypic switching
PA Haas, MA Gutierrez, NM Oliveira, RE Goldstein
– Physical Review Research
Adaptive phototaxis of Chlamydomonas and the evolutionary transition to multicellularity in Volvocine green algae
K Leptos, M Chioccioli, S Furlan, A Pesci, R Goldstein
Collapse of a hemicatenoid bounded by a solid wall: instability and dynamics driven by surface Plateau border friction
C Raufaste, S Cox, RE Goldstein, AI Pesci
– Soft matter
Biofilm Growth Under Elastic Confinement
R Goldstein, G Fortune, N Oliveira
– Phys Rev Lett
Collapse of a hemicatenoid bounded by a solid wall: instability and dynamics driven by surface Plateau border friction
C Raufaste, S Cox, RE Goldstein, AI Pesci
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Research Group

Biological Physics and Mechanics




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