- 2024-present PhD student in DAMTP, Fitzwilliam College, University of Cambridge
- 2023-2024 MASt 'Part III' in Mathematics, Lucy Cavendish College, University of Cambridge
- 2020-2024 "Cycle ingénieur" at École polytechnique (Palaiseau, France)
- 2018-2020 CPGE "Prépa" MPSI/MP* at Lycée Louis-le-Grand (Paris, France)
I am starting my PhD with Professor Jerome Neufeld on ice sheet modelling. In particular, I want to better understand tidal forcing under ice shelves in Antarctica. More generally, I'm interested in subglacial hydrology, environmental and geophysical flows.
Michaelmas 2024: Supervised NST IA Maths for Trinity College
Lent 2024 : Supervising Part IA Vector Calculus for Fitzwilliam College
Other academic interests
Math: In Polytechnique, I studied both pure maths (probability, algebraic topology, differential geometry) and theoretical physics (quantum mechanics, general relativity, statistical physics). I kept studying some probabilities during my Part III year in Cambridge.
Philosophy: I have completed a Bachelor in Philosophy with Université Paris-Nanterre. Currently, I'm mostly interested in Spinoza's works.