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Faculty of Mathematics


Personal website


  • 2021 - date: PhD student in Theoretical Physics, DAMTP, University of Cambridge. 
  • 2018 - 2020: MSc in High Energy Physics, ETH Zürich/École Polytechnique Paris. 
  • 2014 - 2018: BSc in Physics, FCFM, Universidad de Chile. 


Manuel is a member of the High Energy Physics research group at the Department of Applied Mathematics and Theoretical Physics. His current research interests are particle phenomenology beyond the Standard Model, effective field theories and machine learning techniques.


  • SIMUnet: an open-source tool for simultaneous global fits of EFT Wilson coefficients and PDFs, M. N. Costantini, E. Hammou, Z. Kassabov, M. Madigan, L. Mantani, J. Moore, M. Morales Alvarado, M. Ubiali (EPJC 2024).  
  • Hide and seek: how PDFs can conceal New Physics, E. Hammou, Z. Kassabov, M. Madigan, M. L. Mangano, L. Mantani, J. Moore, M. Morales Alvarado, M. Ubiali (JHEP 2023).  
  • The top quark legacy of the LHC Run II for PDF and SMEFT analyses, Z. Kassabov, M. Madigan, L. Mantani, J. Moore, M. Morales Alvarado, J. Rojo, M. Ubiali (JHEP 2023).  
  • Covariant Multipole Expansion of Local Currents for Massive States of Any Spin, S. Cotogno, C. Lorcé, P. Lowdon, M. Morales (Phys. Rev. Lett. 2020).  

Research Group

High Energy Physics

