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Faculty of Mathematics



Median quasimorphisms on CAT(0) cube complexes and their cup products
B Brück, F Fournier-Facio, C Loeh
No quasi-isometric rigidity for proper actions on CAT(0) cube complexes
F Fournier-Facio, A Genevois
Bounded cohomology and binate groups
F Fournier-Facio, C Löh, M Moraschini
– Journal of the Australian Mathematical Society
Braided Thompson groups with and without quasimorphisms
F Fournier-Facio, Y Lodha, MCB Zaremsky
Finitely generated simple left orderable groups with vanishing second bounded cohomology
F Fournier-Facio, Y Lodha
Second bounded cohomology of groups acting on $1$-manifolds and applications to spectrum problems
F Fournier-Facio, Y Lodha
Bounded cohomology and binate groups
F Fournier-Facio, C Loeh, M Moraschini
Algebraic irrational stable commutator length in finitely presented groups
F Fournier-Facio, Y Lodha
Bounded cohomology of finitely presented groups: vanishing, non-vanishing, and computability
F Fournier-Facio, C Loeh, M Moraschini
Ultrametric analogues of Ulam stability of groups
F Fournier-Facio
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Research Group

Differential Geometry & Topology




01223 766857