My research lies at the intersection of computational mathematics and machine learning for applications to large-scale real world problems. My central research is to develop new data-driven algorithmic techniques that allow computers to gain high-level understanding from vast amounts of data, this, with the aim of aiding the decisions of users. These methods are based on mathematical modelling and machine learning methods.
Keywords: Applied Mathematics Computational Mathematics Inverse problems Image Analysis Graph Learning Machine Learning.
NODE-Adapter: Neural Ordinary Differential Equations for Better
Vision-Language Reasoning
Deep Block Proximal Linearised Minimisation Algorithm for Non-convex
Inverse Problems
LaplaceNet: A Hybrid Graph-Energy Neural Network for Deep Semisupervised Classification
– IEEE transactions on neural networks and learning systems
(doi: 10.1109/tnnls.2022.3203315)
HAMLET: Graph Transformer Neural Operator for Partial Differential
Contrastive Registration for Unsupervised Medical Image Segmentation
– IEEE Trans Neural Netw Learn Syst
(doi: 10.1109/tnnls.2023.3332003)
Learning Homeomorphic Image Registration via Conformal-Invariant
Hyperelastic Regularisation
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