2014 -- University Gender Equality Champion for STEMM subjects
2013--- Professor of Mathematical Physics (1967), DAMTP, Cambridge University
- 2002-2013 Professor of Theoretical Physics, DAMTP, Cambridge University
- 1996-2000 Reader in Theoretical Physics DAMTP
- 1995-1996 ADR -- DAMTP
- 1988-1995 College Teaching Officer, Kings College Cambridge
- 1983-1988 Research Council Advanced Fellow, DAMTP Cambridge University
- 1982-1983 Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton, USA
- 1980-1982 Fellow, Theory Division, CERN, Geneva
- 1978-1980 Postdoctoral research associate in theoretical physics, Blackett Physics Laboratory Imperial College, London
- 1976-1978 Postdoctoral research associate in theoretical physics, Mathematics Department, Durham University
Anne Davis' recent research is in Particle Cosmology. Her current work is on modified gravity theories, such as the chameleon model and related scalar-tensor theories of gravity. She has studied the full cosmological evolution of the chameleon, considered solar system constraints, laboratory constraints and cosmological constrains. She has shown that chameleons could be detected in future Casimir force type experiments. She has also worked on inflation and extra-dimensional theories.
Selected Publications
Principles of Quantum Mechanics
Below is the link to some lectures notes for this course with acknowledgement to my predecessors, Dr J.M. Evans and Prof R.R. Horgan
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